Tuesday, 31 July 2012

The Importance of Having Sincerity when Fasting

The Importance of Having Sincerity when Fasting

Al-Imaam Muqbil bin Haadi Al-Waadi’ee, may Allah have mercy upon him, says in his great book, Al-Jaami’ As-Saheeh Vol.2, Pge. 482, Hadeeth No. 1479

Having Sincerity When Fasting

Upon the authority of Abu Hurayrah, May Allah be pleased with him that he said: the Messenger of Allah (may be peace upon him) said:

It could be that the fortune of the one who is fasting is just hunger and thirst and it could be that the fortune of the one who is standing in prayer is just sleeplessness.”

This hadeeth is Hasan”

The hadeeth is reported by Al-Imaam Ahmad (v.2, pg 373) and also translated by meaning and without the chain of narration.

Translated by: Younus bin Muhammad As-Somaali

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

The Situation of the Muslims in Burma and the World | Shaykh al-Allaamah Saalih al-Fawzaan

[This was Recorded in Makkah on 8/9/1433]

The Person who Regrets Will Not be Successful

Imaam Ibn Abdul-Barr [May Allaah have Mercy on him] said:

From the most precious of your possessions is your time. The scholars’ attitude towards their time was precise, always scrutinizing what they are doing with it. Constantly reviewing what they were doing with it, meant that they were determined, everything they did had a purpose, they repelled laziness and distanced themselves from sluggishness.

This was the renowned Companion, Mu’aadth ibn Jabal [May Allaah be Pleased with him], when he was about to die he said to his slave-girl; “Woe to you! Have we reached the morning?” She replied, “No”. He left a watch behind with her. Then he said, “Do you see it?” She said, “Yes”. Mu’aadth said, “I seek refuge in Allaah, from this morning to the fire”. Then he said, “Welcome death, welcome visitor that came in privacy. The person who regrets will not be successful. Oh Allaah! You Know that I don’t want to stay in this world to make rivers flow or plant trees, but I want to stay behind so that I can endure a long night and be extremely thirsty in the scorching heat and be crowded around the scholars in the circles of knowledge.”

Jaami Bayaan ‘Ilm wa Fadlihi 1/57

My Main Worry Or Concern Was That I Couldn’t Taste The Sweetness Of Gaining Knowledge

Imaam Aboo Faraj Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Abee Hasan Ibn Jawzee al-Hanbalee said:

The sweetness that the students of knowledge feels is from the sweetness that no one can ever enjoy, even more so than the sweetest of honeys. This is because the students gains what he seeks for. Since I was a child I would take with me a loaf of bread and then go out and seek Hadeeth. I would sit during the day and I would not be able to eat this bread except if I had water.  Every time I ate a morsel I would drink some water with it and my main worry or concern was that I couldn’t taste the deliciousness of gaining knowledge.

Sayd al-Khaatir Pg. 151

Taking Children To Them Masjid By Shaykh Abdul Kareem al Khudayr‏


Shaykh Abdul Kareem bin Abdullah al-Khudayr [May Allaah Preserve him] said:

There would be children present in the lessons People of Knowledge. Small children would attend without there being any age limit; this is unlike the view of the majority scholars who say that children below the age of five are not allowed to narrateHadeeth. They say, after the age of five, children have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong; they would attend and not be distracted. Nor would they distract others. For example, nowadays some fathers bring their children to the masjid, children as young as one or two years old. They distract the people praying, they break the rows because sometimes they are laid to sleep next to the father who is praying in the row and they don’t stand properly with the rest of the congregation. If this is going to be the case, the children should not attend because bringing them has no benefit. Furthermore, the norm in this matter is that the child should be with the mother. So when the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] was leading, he heard a child crying who was its mother so he made the prayer short. It is not the father’s role to bring the children to the masjid and look after them there, unless there is no mother then it would be legislated for him to bring the child. Just like when the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] brought Umaamah to the masjid to show and set an example that it is permissible to bring children to the masjid. However, this wasn’t done regularly.

There is a story I can narrate for those who bring their children to the masjid. One day, a brought his two year old child to the masjid and when the prayer began, the child started playing the Mushafs. The people were not able to pray and the father didn’t move a muscle! However, when the child went close the fan in order to play with it, the father broke his prayer and attended to the child. The Book of Allaah, he doesn’t move. He has no fear, he doesn’t realize the damage that was caused and he doesn’t reflect on the harm he caused by not breaking his prayer. The religion is the peak of all matters. So it is for the student of knowledge to pay attention to this and for him to inform others. And to Allaah we complain.

Yes, if they can benefit they should attend but if the children won’t benefit then they shouldn’t. There was once another person who went to Masjid al-Haram for Salaat al-Jumu’ah with his child; and the child destracted the people from hearing the Khutbahas he was crying loudly. By the end of the Salaah, the father missed the Salaah because he was sitting attending to the boy. The people prayed, he missed the Salaah in congregation and he had to pray by himself. How can the father exempt himself from theSalaah because of a child, the child has a mother and the family has its own accommodation. Unfortunately, people just blindly follow each other.

To Allaah we complain.
Sharh Al-Fiyyah al-‘Iraaqee Fee Uloom al-Hadeeth by Shaykh Abdul-Kareem bin Abdullah al-Khudayr [May Allaah Preserve him], Tape 21; 25-28 minutes

Monday, 23 July 2012

The Wisdom of Marriage

The Wisdom of Marriage - The Fallacy of Dating

by Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali

The great scholar and daa'ee, Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali[1] said, "....And in the Sunan of Ibn Majah the prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) stated, "From the things that makes a man happy is a righteous wife whom whenever he looks at her she pleases him, whenever he commands her she obeys him, and whenever he is absent she is faithful with herself and his wealth." Hadeeth hasan (hadeeth no. 1857).
So look - may Allaah have mercy on you - at this hadeeth which illustrates therein a very high wisdom from the lips of the one who has been given concise, eloquent speech that contains much profound meaning. For indeed herein he summed up the conditions for a happy martial life:
1. The first one is that the woman is attractive in the eyes of the husband
2. She willingly fulfills his requests and does what he wants; and this is the sign of true love
3. He trusts her and she trusts him. Hence if he is absent for a long or short period, he will be rest assured that she will safeguard her honor and integrity, and ensure that his wealth is not wasted
Without these conditions neither of the spouses can ever be happy. And the Europeans have claimed to have attained the pinnacle of marital bliss because they allow the fiancé to interact with his fiancée before the marriage in a manner that is very disturbing. It is quite possible for this relationship to continue like this for years whereby they are 'still getting to know each other,' to get to learn the other person's behavioral traits and personality so that they can be more compatible with each other in order to make the relationship more lasting. They know however that this is a big farce. Because neither of the spouses trust the other - as far as being faithful to each other, or being honest with their money. Because the husband cannot tell his wife to do anything because obedience is not an obligation for them. Hence they are like two business or trade partners. And this illustrates the fallacy of the stipulation which is that they must 'be in love' first.
As for the argument that supports unrestricted interaction before the marriage contract, (this is also a fallacy) because they do not really get to know the true character of the other companion because each of them 'puts on an act' for the other, and feign signs of adulation for fear that the engagement will be called off. And almost none of them reveals his/her true character until they get married. And there are many incidents like this that proves this to be true. For indeed this happened in Germany in the city of Bonn wherein a man who was engaged to his fiancée for 20 years, and they lived together as a man would live with his wife. However when they married the marriage did not last but one year; all of it being disagreements, bickering, and argumentation, eventually ending in divorce."
Taken from his book 'The rulings of al-Khula' in Islaam' pg. 36-38.

Give Importance to the Month of Ramadhān - Shaykh Muhammad ibn Sālih al-Uthaymeen‏

Tasting Food Whilst Fasting‏

Tasting Food Whilst Fasting


Is the fast invalidated by tasting food?


Tasting food does not invalidate the fast, if a person does not swallow it. But you should not do it unless there is a need for it; and in this situation, if any of it enters the stomach without your intending it, then your fast in not invalidated.

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen

Fatawa Arkaanul-Islaam, Vol.2, p.667

Poetry of The Salafi Jinn

Poetry of The Salafi Jinn

Abu Muhammad ibn Maasi said: ‘Abu Muslim al-Kajji narrated to us:
“I went out and found that the hammam [the public bath] was open in the early morning.
So I said to the person in-charge: ‘Has anyone entered yet?’
And he answered: ‘No.’
So I entered, and immediately I opened the door, a speaker said to me:
Aboo Muslim aslim taslim [Abu Muslim submit and you will be saved]!!’
And then he started reciting poetry saying:

لك الحمد إما على نعمة 
‘For You [Allaah] is all the praise; either for the favours,
وإما على نقمة تدفع 
Or for the afflictions you prevent;
تشاء فتفعل ما شئته
You Wish and You do as You will,
وتسمع من حيث لا سمع 
And You hear what cannot be heard.’

He [Aboo Muslim] said: ‘So I hastened and left while I am shocked.
And I said to the caretaker of the hammam: “Didn’t you say that there is nobody in it!!?”
So he said: ‘ Ah, that is a jinn, time after time he reaches out [communicates] to us and speaks by lines of poetry!’
Thus I said: ‘Have you memorized any of his poetry?’
He replied: ‘Yes.’
And he then read to us:

أيها المذنب المفرط مهلا
O you transgressing sinner: Slow down,
كم تمادى وتكسب الذنب جهلا 
How long have you ignorantly transgressed and acquired sins;
كم وكم تسخط الجليل بفعل
How many of the actions have you done to anger The Noble?
سمج وهو يحسن الصنع فعلا 
Disgustingly, while thinking he is doing good!
كيف تهدا جفون من ليس يدري
How can the eyelids close and be calm; of the one who does not know,
أرضي عنه من على العرش أم لا 
Is The One Above the throne pleased with him or not.”

Shaykh Al-Albaanee said: ‘The chain of this story is authentic; all its narrators are Thiqaah. ’
The major scholar and Haafidh (memorizer), the leader of narrators of his era, Abu Muslim Ibraahim ibn Abdullaah al-Basree al-Kajji, the author of ‘Sunan’ ; he passed away in the year 292. And he had met Abu Aasim al-Answaaree, and lived long. [200-292 H].
Source: Mukhtaswar al-‘Uluww al-‘Aliyy Al-Ghaffar , of Imaam Adh-Dhahabee.

(حديث مقطوع) كتب إلي أبو الغنائم بن علان ، أنا أبو اليمن الكندي ، أنا أبو منصور الشيباني ، أنا أبو بكر الخطيب ، أنا عبد الله بن محمد القرشي ، أنا أبو محمد بن ماسي ، نا أبو مسلم الكجي ، قال : خرجت فإذا الحمام قد فتح سحرًا ، فقلت للحمامي : أدخل أحد ؟ قال : لا . فدخلت ، فساعة فتحت الباب ، قال لي قائل : أبو مسلم أسلم تسلم . ثم أنشأ ، يقول : لك الحمد إما على نعمة وإما على نقمة تدفع تشاء فتفعل ما شئته وتسمع من حيث لا نسمع قال : فبادرت وخرجت وأنا جزع ، فقلت للحمامي : أليس زعمت زعمت أنه ليس في الحمام أحد . قال : ذاك جني يتراءى لنا في كل حين ، وينشدنا . فقلت : هل عندك من شعره ؟ فقال : نعم . وأنشدني : أيها المذنب المفرد مهلًا كم تمادى وتكسب الذنب جهلا كم وكم تسخط الجليل بفعل سمج وهو يحسن الصنع فعلا كيف تهدى جفون من ليس يدري أرضي عنه من على العرش أم لا .
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