Saturday 31 December 2011

The Blockade of Dammaj - 31st December 2011

The Blockade of Dammaj - 31st December 2011
The day began and the situation remains the same, thus the students are extremely cautious of Raafidhah's treachery and are prepared and to Allaah belongs all praise, for indeed they know how to deal with the Raafidhah very well. 
Also, the Mediators are bringing the Houthies down from 'Al-Ahrash' and 'Al-Jameemah' mountains and are destroying the tents of the Houthies in one of the areas. And in reality, the Mediation Committee have put in great efforts which they are thanked for. Besides this, the Houthies highly desire that a stop be put to the battlefront in Waayilah, and their patience is for no other reason except that they ponder over a solution (to stop) the battlefront in Waayilah, those who have become a thorn in their necks. 
Moreover, Ash-Shaykh Yahya - May Allaah preserve him - is wise in his proceedings and his dealings (with the Raafidhah) and we give glad-tidings to our brothers that they will not hear except good, and that the brothers will continue and will not stop up until the eyes of Ahlus-Sunnah are pleased with this great battlefront which people from different places move towards (to join) in eliminating those who curse and slander the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah, and who speak ill of the Honour of the Messenger of Allaah and who kill women and children.
The battlefront in Waayilah will not stop until they reach Dammaj by the Will of Allaah - the Most High.

Friday 30 December 2011

The Blockade of Dammaj - 30th December 2011


The Blockade of Dammaj - 30th December 2011

Allaah - the Most High - says: 'And that Allaah may test (or purify) the believers (from sins) and destroy the disbelievers'!! (Aali 'imraan/141)

All praise is due to Allaah, indeed the believers were tested and what Allaah has promised took place, so that this increases Ahlus-Sunnah in loftiness. And this is the situation of that which takes place in the Dunya and in the hereafter, as Allah - the Most High - says: 'Bringing low (some - those who will enter the Hell-fire) Exalting (others - those who will enter paradise)'. The people of Knowledge mentioned: 'Some generations will be lowered and be made the lowest of the low in the Hell-fire, even if they were Honourable in this Dunya. And others will be raised to the highest of the High in eternal bliss, even if they were weak in this Dunya'.

Yesterday, the Houthies sought from Ahlus-Sunnah that they leave Dammaj, however today Ahlus-Sunnah seek from the Houthies that they exit Dammaj except those of them who are from the Village and within its security.

Yesterday, the Houthies thought that they possessed power, however today they realised that they are nothing.

Yesterday, some of the people thought that the Houthies were people of truth, however today the people have come to know that they are people of falsehood.

And its upon the Houthies that they comprehend their own ability, and that Sa'dah will soon rise up against them because of their transgression, oppression, their haughtiness, their taking the peoples wealth upon falsehood and their pride (looking down) upon the weak ones. The people of Sa'dah, those who were made to flee from their land to San'aa, have began protesting in San'aa and use the oppression of the Raafidhah in Sa'dah and them being driven away from their lands as an argument.

We say to these people that protesting will not benefit you, because it is not from our religion but rather it is upon you to take your rights with your hands, as being gentle does not benefit with the Raafidhah, and protesting (originally) comes from the enemies of the religion. And indeed Ash-Shaykh, Al-'Allaamah Yahya bin 'Alee Al-Hajoori - May Allaah preserve him - directed an advice to the Houthies; if they acted upon it it would have been better for them. From that which he said: 
((أيها الحوثيون إن كنتم ترون أنكم قد صرتم دولة فاعلنوا دولتكم للعالم وابسطوا نفوذكم, ومن استطاع أن يصبر على جبروتكم وإذلالكم له في محافظة صعدة صبر, ومن لم يستطع فأرض الله واسعة, وإن كنتم لستم بدولة كما هو حالكم الآن وجب عليكم وعلى غيركم لزوم أدب القبائل وسائر الناس بعضها مع بعض, فلا تفرضوا عليهم انحرافكم وأفكاركم الباطلة ولا تكبتوا حريتهم, فللناس ممن ليس على فكركم حقّ أن يعيشوا بحريتهم التي أتاحها الله سبحانه وتعالى لهم آمنين في صعدة وغيرها.)) 

And today the students of knowledge do not cease being extremely cautious from the treachery of the Raafidhah. I ask Allaah to preserve them. I give the Glad-tidings to my brothers that their wounded brothers, those who have been successfully taken to San'aa, are in a good state and All praise is due to Allaah.

Thursday 29 December 2011

"Cannot we be brothers, even if we disagree about something?"‏

Yoonus As-Sadafi’ said: 

"I have never seen a wiser man than Ash-Shafi`ee, I was arguing with him one day about an issue and I left him. One day, he met me, held my hand and saidCannot we be brothers, even if we disagree about something'?"

Siyar A'laam An-Nubalaa' 10/16

So what will happen to us when they are gone?

So what will happen to us when they are gone?

On the authority ofOn the authority of ‘Amr ibn Abdullah ibn A’as [May Allaah be Pleased with him] who said; I heard The Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] say;
“Allaah does not snatch away knowledge from the chests of His servants, but He takes away knowledge by the death of scholars, until, when there are no more scholars remaining, the people take the ignorant as their leaders (i.e. as scholars). And these leaders will be asked (by the people), and they will respond without any knowledge, and they will be misguided, and misguide others.”

[Narrated by Bukhaari, 1/50; 100 and Muslim, 4/2058; 2673]

Shaykh Abdul Kareem ibn Abdullah al-Khudayr [May Allaah be Pleased with him] said;

So what would be our result with scholars? Throughout time, scholars have been pivotal to the nations they have been in, especially this Ummah. As Ajurri said in his book Akhlaaq al-‘Ulema, “The need for scholars is far greater than our need for anything else, even if we were lost in a dark night in a confined space. Added to this confined space there were predators, vermin, thorns and rocks surrounding you. They find themselves in a situation where they don’t know what is ahead of them or any idea of where they are. Then there suddenly appears a hand carrying a lamp which illuminates the path ahead of them so they are able to see again. This hand brings security from what they feared. This is the virtue and bounty that was placed on this group. This highlights the virtues of knowledge in this Ummah, it is the best type of virtue a person can have. The virtue of a man who comes with a lamp, during the darkness of the night in a fatal desert, he is a savior for the people he guided. This is because these people were a group of people who wondering in the darkness of their misfortunate, in a situation of losing everything, whether that be in their worldly or religious affairs.  Those who live without a scholar are like these people, they live their lives without a guide showing them to the correct path. He incites them to do good deeds and if a difficulty appears he is the one who can resolve their matters for them. Or if there appears a disagreement he finds a resolution. These characteristics are vital and it shows our need for scholars as he is a vice of the religion being protected. So what will happen to us when they are gone?

Sharh Muqadimmah Sunan Ibn Maajah, Tape 6

The Blockade of Dammaj - 29th December 2011

The Blockade of Dammaj - 29th December 2011
The day began and the situation is just as it was yesterday. The Mediation Committee makes great effort in removing the Bases of the Houthies, so May Allaah reward them with good, however I do not believe that the Houthies will be deterred for they are a people of treachery and deceit. 
As for the students then they are extremely cautious of the Houthies' treachery even regarding their leaving (of their homes), no-one leaves except the one who has an urgent need to do so.‬
Glad tidings of Aid continue from Allaah, the One, the Irresistible!!
Waayilah has become a thorn in the necks of the Raafidhah, and the revenges - by the Grace of Allaah - come in succession. During the past two days, our brothers - by the Grace of Allaah - were able to proceed and conquer at the strategic locations, which made the Houthies collapse and also made them perceive Ahlus-Sunnah to not be human beings!!! And the Houthies were not able to retrieve a single site that Ahlus-Sunnah took over from them.
Also, whilst conversing (over the phone) with one of the field Commanders at the Battlefield, he said: "Indeed the brothers are scrambling (in urgency) towards the battlefield to the point that we fear for some of them, therefore Ahlus-Sunnah's morals are strong, it is as if they want to eat the Houthies instead of killing them!! Rather, they race with one another in proceeding (in the battlefield)".
He likewise mentioned: "With the Grace of Allaah, we have attacked a sniper (who was using a machine gun 12/7 and busied us) with a mortar bomb, and before we even realised the bomb blew up and smoke came out from a strange place, and all of this is with the Grace of Allaah".
I asked him: "We've heard that there are mediators attempting reconciliation?", he replied: "We hear them buzzing around for reconciliation, however we are not interested in reconciliation!!"
Another said: "There was a filthy Houthie sniper which caused some of us to become wounded. The brothers blocked him from many different places, then all of a sudden before he could realise the brothers were at his head (i.e. Right next to him)!! Thus he sought from them that they allow him to speak to his mother before he dies, so they said, 'What now, when you have incurred upon us injuries?? So they finished him off, May Allaah disfigure him".
And another informed us of a captive that the brothers caught who sneaked into Waayilah, so they asked him: "What are you doing?", he responded, "I'm looking for my mother"!!!
Similarly, another situation which is even stranger than this: Indeed some of the brothers found a phone amongst some of dead (Houthies), then before we knew it the phone was already connected, so they asked, "Who is it?", so she (the person on the line) said, "where's the person who owns the phone?, they said, "he's dead, and who are you?", to which she replied, "I'm his mother". She then went onto say, "Oh Ahlus-Sunnah, bury my son, for by Allaah, the Houthies took him with them by force whilst him not being pleased with it"!! 
I say: Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ileyhi raaji'oon.
Many of the brothers also mentioned: "We found in many of their phones pornographic pictures"!!
I asked Abaa Haatim - the Chief Commander - regarding the brothers rushing to Waayilah, so he replied: "A strange rushing!! Tens of armed cars (heavily armed) are heading towards Waayilah. And hundreds of Mujaahideen from different places gather together with their weaponry; every single one of them searching for the front-line of the battlefield". And this is from the Virtues of Allaah, the One, the Irresistible. As for the killings amongst the Houthies , then their affair is as if they are being driven to death.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

The Blockade of Dammaj - 28th December 2011


The Blockade of Dammaj - 28th December 2011 

The day began and the Mediators have taken the Houthies out of the 'Mashrahah', 'Abdul-Kareem' and Al-Watn areas, as for the (area) An-Nuquu' then the Houthies have not ceased to be too stubborn to exit, where there remains a group of the Houthies. This stubbornness came at a time where our brothers in the battlefield in Waayilah were attaining many victories (against the Raafidhah), and for Allaah belongs all praise and virtues.   

May Allaah bless the Mediators that have put great effort (in ending this Fitnah) for which they thanked for. At the same time we must be alert that reconciliation is fragile because of that which is known from the Houthies from treachery and deception. 

And what remains is the reminder that we must show concern to the wounded, those who have been successfully transported to San'aa. 

 So firstly: May Allaah bless those brothers who have already sent money for this sake, and it is now (being used) in its necessary place, even though it doesn't reach up to what is needed at the moment, and indeed the Shaykh has advised with showing much concern with the wounded.  

Secondly: There is a good amount of Municipal honey on its way, may Allaah bless the one who sent it and it is very important for the sick ones, so I advise the brothers to increase. 

Thirdly: Whoever is able to take responsibility over one of the wounded brothers then May Allaah reward him, especially those whom their situations are critical. And indeed I have seen some of their situations and the effects of the bullets of the machine guns have made big holes (in their bodies), perhaps you may even see their inner organs and we ask Allaah for security, for the Houthies were utilising machine guns and explosives to sniper with. 

I advise my brothers with showing great concern with the injured, May Allaah grant you success.

The one who does not call to Tawheed...‏

Shaykh Salih Al Fawzaan, hafidhahullaah said: 

"The one who does not call to Tawheed and the correction of the Aqeedah, is like the one who seeks to cure a body whose head has been cut off, since the place of the Aqeedah in the religion is like the head with regards to the body." 

[Al-manhaj al-Anbiyaa fee Da'wah ill-Allaah]

Sh khudair Today, the hearts of people become ruthless and wretched, and to Allaah we complain‏

It was narrated on the authority of al-Irbaad bin Saariyah [May Allaah be Pleased with him] who said:
The Messenger of Allah [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] delivered an admonition that made our hearts fearful and our eyes tearful. We said, "O Messenger of Allah, it is as if this is a farewell sermon, so advise us." He said, "I enjoin you to have Taqwa of Allah [by doing what He has ordered and abandoning what he has prohibited] and that you listen and obey (to your rulers), even if a slave is made a ruler over you. He among you who lives long enough will see many differences. So upon you to cling to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided successors after me, hold on to them with your molar teeth. Beware of newly-introduced matters, for every innovation (Bid'ah) is an error."
Reported by Ahmad, Abu Daawood (Eng. trans. 3/1294/no.4590), at-Tirmidhee (no. 2676), Ibn Maajah (no. 42), ad-Daarimee (no. 96) and Ibn Abee 'Aasim in as-Sunnah (no. 54). Shaikh al-Albaanee declares, "Its isnaad is saheeh, its narrators reliable"
Shaykh Abdul Kareem ibn Abdullah al-Khudayr [May Allaah Preserve him] said;
This speech shock the hearts of the companions, they were scared. However whose hearts were affected? Yes! The hearts of the Companions! Who can be compared or even be like them due to the light that Allaah had placed in their hearts;
"Whose hearts are filled with fear when Allah is mentioned" [Hajj 22:35]
Today, the hearts of people become ruthless and wretched, and to Allaah we complain. There has become no difference between the hearts of those who read the Quraan and the Authentic Sunnah and those who read newspapers and novels. There has become no difference between those who hear a story or listen to the news and those who hear a Hadeeth of the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him]. As he [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] said about the effect the Quran had on his heart;
"Surah Hood and its sisters have made my hair grey". [Narrated by Tabaraanee in Kabeer 17/286-7, and a similar narration was narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 3297. classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani, al-Saheehah, 955]
This is wholly different from us to. He [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] told us about the effect it had on him but us, we read the Quran from Surah Yoonus to Surah Yusuf and don’t feel a thing. So you read these chapters of the Quran and what effect did reciting Surah Hood have on you? [Surah Hood is between Soorah Yoonus and Surah Yusuf]. Unfortunately, we can even find some of the students of knowledge behaving in this way. So did reciting the Quran have any impact on you? It is upon you to ask yourself and account yourself!
Ibn Awfaa was once walking and he heard the Imaam recite the ayah;
"Then, when the Trumpet is sounded (i.e. its second blowing)" [Mudathir 74: 8]
Upon hearing this ayah (due to the extreme fear he had) he fell unconscious. However some people will hear this and they will deny it.
There's no doubt that the Quran is extremely weighty and its effects on the heart amount to a great deal however the hearst vary. Some are extremely strong like that of the Prophet [Peace and Blessings of Allaah be upon him] and those Noble Companions accompanied him. Their hearts accepted this heavy message. This sturdy message needs a strong heart to carry it in, so it impacted them and their lives and they carried it on to the next generation. Those who came after them felt this great message as well, because this from the intensive Speech of Allaah, Exalted He is. However, the hearts that come after these early generations, they were weak. Most of them carried this message but it didn’t have the same impact on them. A lot of them didn’t feel, they just heard. So what happened to them, happened. Then after them, generations went past which were full of weak hearts. What I am saying is, that the difference between the strong and weak heart is the effects of the Quran that have on you, undoubtedly the hearts of the Muslims have become tarnished. Their hearts don’t feel anything so hearing this great message doesn’t affect them.
So how do we know that their hearts have become weak? We know by the way people think, if the slightest difficulty is afflicted upon them their attitude changes as if they have become possessed by a Jinn. Some people faint because of the weakness of their hearts, some resort to cheating and deceiving, as what is apparent in the markets today. Are these the kind of hearts that are strong or are they are hearts that have been affected by the Dunya? This is definitely not a strong heart. These hearts are not affected by the Quraan, despite the Quraan being great, strong, and heavy but they still don’t get affected by it. They are not affected by its greatness. But it affected the hearts and mind-set of the Companions and thus it had an impact on their deeds.

Taken from Sharh Muqadimmah Sunnan Ibn Maajah, Tape 6

Tuesday 27 December 2011

The Blockade of Dammaj - 27th December 2011


The Blockade of Dammaj - 27th December 2011 

The day began and the Mediators have made great effort in getting rid of the Bases of the Houthies in the 'Mashrahah' and the 'Nuquu', and they do not cease in their hard work so May Allaah reward them, and only Allaah knows the hidden affairs. 
The students of knowledge await for the final termination of the Siege and the end of the check points which the Houthies brought to existence after the checkpoint of Suffocation. And the Houthies in Sa'dah have become like any of the other individuals (residing there), so they have no excellence over other than them, rather they are in a state of humiliation because of their innovation. It is upon them that they leave the searching (at the check points) to the Government; they have no right to stop any Sunni Salafi (from travelling). It is upon them to leave Dammaj, rather it is upon them to leave Sa'dah. 
 We do not cease waiting for the Houthies to fulfil (their promises) but I do not think they will fulfil them, as they are a people of treachery and deceit and are workers for Iran. 

And they are regretful upon blocking Dammaj, for indeed they have lost much of the peoples support on the media, and this is from the Grace of Allaah upon Ahlus-Sunnah. 

And indeed a phone conversation took place with our Shaykh, Al-Allaamah Yahya Bin 'Alee Al-Hajoori this morning and I was content with the state that he was in, and the state of the Students and the Markaz. He also mentioned that he was upon goodness and that the affair (now) is good, and this is from the Grace of Allaah. 

He - May Allaah preserve him - likewise asked about the wounded (in San'aa) and was content with their state, so I told him that they were upon goodness and receiving good care. And I take this opportunity to advise my brothers to visit the wounded brothers, and showing care for them morally and with their wealth.

Giving Thanks and Thinking About Others‏

It was narrated that ‘Amr ibn ‘Awf (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “By the One whose Hand is my soul, it is not poverty that I fear for you, rather what I fear for you is that worldly riches may be given to you as they were given to those who came before you, and you will compete for them with one another as they competed with one another, and you will be destroyed as they were destroyed.”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2988) and Muslim (2961)
Shaykh Abd al-Kareem ibn Abd Allaah al-Khudayr [May Allaah Preserve him] said about this hadeeth;
If we look at the situation of the people today then we will realize that our relationship with wealth and money has never been seen before from the generation before us. This is because the treasures of the earth have been opened for us and Allaah has given us wealth that he hasn’t given to those before us but despite poverty is still present. If you read and study about the history of the Muslims, even if we look at the state of those in Baghdad before us then we will realize that these luxuries that we have in our lives today wasn’t given to those before us, including that of the black gold [oil]. If we look at Spain before us, you will find that the worldly luxuries were poured over them;
“And few of My servants are grateful” [Surah Saba’ 34:13]
They built palaces in Spain with parts of it made from gold, but if we look at their end, they were overcome by the Christians. They ridded of the Muslims, they killed them, took their place, used them as workers, they insulted their women and children because the luxuries they had wasn’t met with gratitude and thanksgiving to Allaah. So the conclusion was theirs;
“And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My Punishment is severe.” [Surah Ibraaheem 14: 7]
The meaning here is not to do acts of disbelief, rather it means to deny the luxuries and favours upon you by not giving thanks.
Taken from Sharh Muqadimmah Ibn Maajah, Tape 2.  

The Blockade of Dammaj - 26th December 2011


The Blockade of Dammaj - 26th December 2011

The Continuation of the Siege - A Clarification from Ash-Shaykh Yahya on what is currently taking place!!

The day began and the lies continue, and likewise the deceit also continues in the media that the Siege has been terminated which is a pure fabrication. And 'Ar-Rafd (the methodology of the Raafidhah) is close to and end, because lying has a short rope (i.e. doesn't last for long) and its effects are evil upon the one who comes with it. 

The Mediation Committee are in a state of Loss regarding the actions of the Houthies; then why have the Houthies called upon these mediators whilst they do not uphold their promises? Look at the lies that have spread in the Media, and indeed the Noble Shaykh Yahya - May Allaah preserve him - has produced an Audio clarification in which he clarifies the reality of what is currently taking place in Dammaj. You may listen to the whole recording (from Below):

The Blockade of Dammaj - 23rd December - 25th December 2011‏

The Blockade of Dammaj - 23rd December 2011

The Honour is for Allaah, His Messenger and the Believers!!

Allaah has split the ranks of the Houthies and has place upon them humiliation and disgrace. How many people have they debased so Allaah disgraced them through Ahlus-Sunnah. The Houthies did not think that one day those pens would transform into weapons, nor that their ink would transform into bullets, nor that their notepads would transform into bases, however this is something that Allaah - Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa - willed.

Our lesson is Jihaad from the Quraan and the Sunnah, and Allaah brought it upon us so that we can apply them with our actions. Thereafter, Allaah humiliated the Raafidhah of Yemen and honoured Ahlus-Sunnah by way of it. Na'am, the Raafidhah in Sa'dah are in a dilemma that they were not expecting, neither did the Houthie ('Abdul-Maalik) expect the outcome of this path (they have taken), however the wind comes with that which the ships dislike (an arabic saying). The conditions set by the Shaykh and the people of Dammaj are repetitive:

- To put and end to the Siege 
- To allow entry for Food
- To leave off uprising against Ahlus-Sunnah in every place
- To allow entry to the Convoy from Waayilah
- For the Houthies to exit Dammaj

The Houthie was treacherous regarding all of these conditions at the end, from which every witness from every place becomes astonished by. And even with this, the Houthie was disloyal which teaches us that he is more treacherous than the Jews!! And the days to come will make apparent (what they plot) and Allaah knows best. 
They plot and Allaah plots, and Allaah is the best of planners, and we do not cease waiting for the outcome. This affair is only an affair of treachery to divert the people away from (what takes place in) Waayliah, or it is a sign to the Houthies of clear victory.

We will keep you informed - if Allaah wills - of the news regarding the new reconciliation.

The Blockade of Dammaj - 24th December 2011

The Siege does not cease being in place on Dammaj and there's a new Clarification from Ash-Shaykh Yahya and the people of Dammaj!!

The day began and lies have become widespread amongst the people that the Blockade has been lifted from Dammaj; this is an outright fabrication and a lie. The Houthies increase in building their bases and are getting closer to Dammaj which proves that this is a plot against Ahlus-Sunnah in Dammaj (as Allaah says): 

'They plot and Allaah plots, and Allaah is the best of planners' (Surah Al-Anfaal/30).

And the Houthies will see that which they dislike by the permission of Allaah ta'aalaa. Strange is the proclamation of Hussein Al-Ahmar on some of the Channels that the Siege has been lifted, and the points of suffocation have been raised and that reconciliation has taken place, and like that proclamations on some of the channels which the people think are upon Sunnah that the Blockade has now ended; Rather this is also the proclamation of the one who calls himself 'Ali Al-Halabee. 

So we say to every person who spreads this news: Have you not returned this affair to its people and asked them? 

This is new Clarification from Ash-Shaykh Yahya - May Allaah preserve him - and his brothers from the Mashaayikh and the ones who possess intellect in Dammaj:

The Blockade of Dammaj - 25th December 2011

The Siege is still in place and the Houthies are building their Bases!!

Na'am, the Siege continues and some Aid entered Dammaj via the Committee in mediation, however the roads haven't been open. The Houthies in the Mashrahah (under the Barraaqah) continue to make their Bases in a quick manner during the long nights, however the Mediation Committee witness this but does not do anything about it, which indicates that this is a plot that those who oppress are plotting and they intend treachery by this: 

'But if they intend to betray you, they indeed betrayed Allaah before. So he gave (you) power over them. And Allaah is the All-Knower, All-wise'
(Surah Al-Anfaal/71)

And Allaah is sufficient for us and is the Best disposer of Affairs. 

'And if they intend to deceive you, then verily, Allaah is All-Sufficent for you. He it is Who has supported you with His Help and with the believers'. (Surah Al-Anfaal/62)

I believe their planning has become very big, and their plots are increasing upon Ahlus-Sunnah, however: 

'They plot and Allaah too is plotting, and Allaah is the Best of those who plot'. (Surah Al-Anfaal/30)

Therefore the Siege is continuous, the plotting is continuous, and the scheming continuous. Then Allaah is sufficient for us and He is the best disposer of affairs. 

And we call out to all of Ahlus-Sunnah throughout Yemen and other than it that they take arms in aid of Dammaj with their lives and wealth.

Thursday 22 December 2011

The Blockade of Dammaj - 22nd December 2011

The Blockade of Dammaj - 22nd December 2011
The day began and the Siege upon Dammaj is still in place and it has been relatively calm from gunfire, after the announcement made by the new mediating Committee to stop the gunfire.
At the Head of this Committee - as the news relays - is Hussein Al-Ahmar and Hassan Zayd, and it (the Committee) desires to end the Fitnah which the Houthies originally lit up, after 'Abdul-Maalik Al-Houthie requested that they rapidly get involved to stop the Fitnah, when Ahlus-Sunnah were successively defeating the Houthies in Kitaaf and other than it by the grace of Allaah.
We relay to the Houthies that affair has now turned against them, and there's nothing except to divide their ranks - with the aid of Allaah and their strength - because they have transgressed upon the earth and have caused corruption.
Glad tidings of Aid for Dammaj!!
Today, Ash-Shaykh Hussein Al-Ahmar entered into Dammaj with the Red Cross and four truck loads of food for the people of Dammaj. There were some negotiations and strange submission from the Houthies to the conditions of Ash-Shaykh Yahya - May Allaah preserve him - after Ahlus-Sunnah humiliated them in Waayilah with the Might of Allaah. 
Also, there are some good affairs from them: the removal of the point of Suffocation and the Houthies withdrawing from Dammaj; rather they exited from Dammaj and agreed to not rise up against Ahlus-Sunnah. Also other things that contain within them elevation to Ahlus-Sunnah which we will inform you of another time.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Haadi says he never called Shaikh Yahya a Hadaadi

Our brother Abdur Rahmaan Al 'Umaisaan said:

ثم إني سألت شيخنا عما نقل في بعض الشبكات أنكم تراجعتم عن تبديع ورمي الشيخ يحي الحجوري ـ حفظه الله ـ بالحدادية
فقال شيخنا: والله ما سمعتُ بهذا الكلام إلا منكما الآن!!!
أنا ما بدعته ولا قلت: حدادياً فضلاً عن التراجع الله المستعان هذا كذب
والله ما سمعته إلا الآن!! وانشروا عني هذا.

And then I asked our Shaikh regarding what was relayed on some websites that you have repented from your calling Shaikh Yahya an innovator and a Hadaadi.

Our Shaikh then said: By Allah I have not heard this speech except from you now. I did not call him an innovator and I did not say Hadaadi especially repenting from it. Allah is the helper this is a lie. By Allah I have not heard this until now!! Spread this from me. 

(شيخنا المجاهد محمد بن هادي المدخلي ـ حفظه الله ـ يقول: أنا لم أبدع الشيخ الحجوري ولم أُطلق عليه أنه (حدادي

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن وآلاه وبعد:
استوقفني بالأمس كلامٌ كتب هنا في هذه الشبكة وغيرها من الشبكات استنكرته
وهو بخصوص:
أن شيخنا محمد بن هادي المدخلي يتراجع عن تبديع الشيخ يحي الحجوري
فأراد الله تعالى أن أزور شيخنا هذه الليلة بين مغربٍ وعشاء
ليلة الخميس الموافقة لـ 27-1-1433هـ وكذلك أخٌ لي من قطر
فوجدت الشيخ مهموماً بحال إخواننا المجاهدين في دماج وكتاف يسأل عن حالهم وتكاد عبراته تسبق عباراته فذكرت له شيئاً يسيراً فتدفق علينا فذكر لنا من الوقائع في كتاف والبشائر بسقوطها أجمع في أيدي أهل السنَّة وما استولوا عليه من سلاح بأنواعه وأنهم غنموا أشياء ثقيلة وعددها وكأنه والله يقاتل معهم!
أدهشني هذا ولكنَّها من هذا العالم الغيور المجاهد لا تستغرب...
بل وأخبرنا أنه باتصال بالشيخ عبدالوهاب الشميري أولاً بأول وكان حريصاً على الاتصال بالشيخ يحي الحجوري هذا اليوم فرتب الشيخ عبدالوهاب له موعداً
ولكنَّ الاتصال تعثر بسبب خطوط الهاتف
قال لنا الشيخ أبشركم أنَّ النصر قريب ما بقي إلا الشيء القليل
وقال شيخنا: الآن يريدون الصلح بعد أن عاثوا فساداً
وقد اتصلت لإخواننا وقلت لهم لا ترضوا إلا بصلح فيه إذلال للحوثيين وعزة لكم وإلا فلا!!
وهو يكرر مقولته والله والله لو كنت في اليمن لجلتها جميعها تحريضاً على جهاد الحوثيين
فليس في جهادهم شك أنه من أعظم القرب والله لا نشك فيه أنه جهاد
ثم قال شيخنا: أنا أحث الإخوة جميعاً لدعم المجاهدين مادياً لأن السلاح هو أهم شيء الآن بعد الدعاء والحمد لله بشائر النصر واضحة كيف وهم أهل التوحيد والسنة وأعدائهم أهل شرك وكفر
والحوثيون هم الذين بدأوا وليس أهل السنة
ثم إني سألت شيخنا عما نقل في بعض الشبكات أنكم تراجعتم عن تبديع ورمي الشيخ يحي الحجوري ـ حفظه الله ـ بالحدادية
فقال شيخنا: والله ما سمعتُ بهذا الكلام إلا منكما الآن!!!
أنا ما بدعته ولا قلت: حدادياً فضلاً عن التراجع الله المستعان هذا كذب
والله ما سمعته إلا الآن!! وانشروا عني هذا.
هذا ما أحببت أن أشارك به والله أسأل أن يثبت إخواننا المجاهدين وأن يهزم المعتدين الحوثيين الظالمين اللهم إنهم لا يعجزونك اللهم دمرهم تدميراً واحفظ إخواننا أهل السنة في دماج وغيرها يا أكرم الأكرمين ويا أرحم الراحمين.
كتبه تلميذه
عبدالرحمن بن محمد العميسان

The Blockade of Dammaj - 21st December 2011


 The Blockade of Dammaj - 21st December 2011

The day began and the Siege on Dammaj continues. The Provisions for Dammaj come with pleasure from the Lord of everything that exists, and Allaah diverts away from Dammaj the Mortar Bombs, the Tank Shells, the Machine Guns, the Artillery originally used to take down planes and others, and with all of this the impure Houthies use all of this against the Women and Children.
And even after this, the Houthie ('Abdul-Maalik) turns away and seeks aid from Hussein Al-Ahmar, and claims that he is charge of the negotiations with Ahlus-Sunnah to stop the Fitnah which he himself lit up.
 Ahlus-Sunnah conform with the points placed by Ash-Shaykh Yahya - May Allaah preserve him - his brothers (the Shaykhs of the tribes) and the those who possess intellect in Dammaj; its has been spread on the Aloloom website, so there's no need for the Houthies to keep on sending mediators. It is upon them to exit the Land and to leave off blocking the roads.
And I give glad tidings to my brothers that today your brothers in Waayilah - with the Might of Allaah - are demolishing the Centres belonging to the Houthies in Kitaaf, therefore increase in your Du'aa.‬
Also, the Noble Father Ahmad Al-Hojooree - the brother of Ash-Shaykh Yahya Al-Hojooree - today became a Shaeed نحسبه كذلك والله حسيبه in the battlefield. I ask Allaah to accept him as one of the Martyrs and that He grants our Shaykh patience upon the loss of his brother. We likewise ask Him - Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa - to grant our brother Hussein Abu Mus'ab, the administrator of Ash-Shaykh Yahya's website patience upon this calamity in the loss of his father.
He became a martyr whilst being firm and not turning his back (on the Jihaad) in the Land of Honour - the Land of Jihaad - and the brothers saw an amazing smile on his face, so glad tidings to him.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

It Is From Ar-Rujoolah (masculinity) To Wear Your Thiyaab (clothes) Above Your Ankles‏

'Ayyuhal-Akhal-Muslim! It Is From Ar-Rujoolah (masculinity) To Wear Your Thiyaab (clothes) Above Your Ankles, Clinging To The Purified Sunnah...

روى ابن ابى شيبه فى كتاب المصنف عن خرشه بن الحر أن عمر بن الخطاب رأى رجلاً وقد أطال إزاره فقال: أحائض أنت، فقال يأمير المؤمنين وهل يحيض الرجل؟ قال: نعم لما أسبلت إزار لك-لأن اسبال الإزار لا يكون الا للنساء - قال فأتى عمر بمشبط ـ مقص ـ وقص ما ذاد عن الكعبين قال خرشه بن الحر:فكأنى أنظر إلى خيوط الإزار على عقبيه

It has been reported by Ibn Abee Shaybah (رحمه الله تعالى) in his Musannaf (8/393), on the authority of Kharshah bin al-Hurr that 'Umar bin al-Khattaab (رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهَ) saw a man with his long 'Izaar, so he said: "Are you having your menses?" The man replied: "Oh Ameeral-Mu'mineen! Does a man have menses?" He said, "Na'am when you lower your 'Izaar because 'Isbaal (wearing garments below the ankles) is not for anyone except the women." So 'Umar was given a blade or scissors, (folded the lower ends of the man's 'Izaar) and cut what trailed from the ankles. Kharshah bin al-Hurr (رحمه الله تعالى) said, "It is as I'm looking at the threads of the 'Izaar hanging from his ankles right now."

عن عبيد بن خالد أنه قال: "كنت أمشي وعليَّ برد أجره، فقال لي رجل" ارفع ثوبك فإنه أنقى وأبقى" فنظرت فإذا هو النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقلت: إنما هي بردة ملحاء – أي فيها خطوط سود وبيض – فقال: " أما لك في أسوة؟" قال: فنظرت فإذا إزاره إلى أنصاف ساقيه

On the authority of 'Ubayd bin Khaalid (رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهَ) who said, "I was walking dragging my Burd (a black decorated square outer garment), A man said to me, "Raise your Thawb (garment) because that (will keep it) more clean and it will last longer." I looked (to see who was talking to me) and he was the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وَسَلَّمَ). I said, "It is only black and white treads (of the outer garment)." So he (صلّى الله عليه وَسَلَّمَ) said, "Don't you have an example in me?" He ('Ubayd) said: "I looked (at him) and his 'Izaar was (extending) to the middle of his shins." [Related by al-Imaam at-Tirmidhee (رحمه الله تعالى) in his ash-Shamaa'ilul-Muhammadiyyah (no. 97), and authenticated by al-Imaam al-Albaanee (رحمه الله تعالى).]

Monday 19 December 2011

An Official Statement from Damaaj

An Official Statement from the English speaking brothers of Darul-Hadeeth under the dictation of ash-Shaykh Yahya al-Hajooree, may Allah preserve him.
All of the praises are for the Lord of existence and may the prayer and peace be upon the
most noble of the Prophets and Messengers to proceed:
We are Muslims from the lands of America, Great Britain, Canada and other English
speaking countries. We all came from our faraway homelands to this abode (Darul
Hadeeth Dammaaj) for the purpose of studying the affairs of the religion of Al-Islaam. We
are free from the ways of oppression, offensive aggression, and wrong doing that which is
found in the ways of the many sects (e.g. Al-Qaeda, Ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen, etc.). This is
the path we steadfast upon (seeking beneficial knowledge and doing righteous actions).
The Raafidhah (the Hoothis) have attacked us and have sieged (surrounded) Darul
Hadeeth Dammaaj. They have also prevented the entering of food and medicine for us,
our women and our children. With this we have confronted their actions with patience
and in return they have carried out attacks upon us, treacherously and oppressively killing some of the students. This is the situation that remains until this day- the 23
day of al-Maharam1432/ December 19, 2011.
We are upon a significant faith, reliance, and certainty that verily Allah the Mighty the
Majestic will make a way out for us and relieve us of this hardship. This letter is for the
purpose of clarity and information.

All of the praises are for the Lord of existence.