Thursday, 15 December 2011

Ash-Sheykh Ubaydullah Al-Afghaanee Has Returned To His Lord‏‏

Bismillah wa salatu wa salamu ala rasoolilahi wa bad,

As salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Inaalilaahi Wa'inaa ileyhi Raajiuun!!

Posted On Trinimuslims On The 13th Of December 2011 By The Brother Musa Millington:

"It is very sad news for me to relate the passing of one of the major scholars of Qur'an in the Haram, Shaikh 'Ubaidallah Al Afghani. He had classes in the Haram in Madeenah and also Masjid Abu Bakr. Alhamdu Lillah I was privelaged by Allah to study some Qur'an with him, from Surah Faatihah to Surah Nisaa. However, due to my leaving Madeenah I was not able to complete my memorization with him. 

The Shaikh was very precise regarding the pronounciation of the Qur'an but he was not one who exaggerated the letters. He would make us spend a week or even weeks on Surah Faatihah alone so that we would be able to pronounce the Dhaad properly. 

And studying under him made me know the reality of the statement:

"Whoever does not taste the humiliation of learning for an hour he would carry the cup of ignorance for his whole life."

Sometimes he would call me Amreeki (American) and no matter what I told him he would still call me an American. When Afghanistan was invaded by the United States we were sitting in the Haram. And it was my turn to recite and he told the people:

"This is my American student."

So I told him Shaikh I am Trinidadian. 

Then he said:

"You are the ones invading Afghanistan"

So I remained quiet

Then he said: 

"Read Oh Ta'ban!!"

Also, I had the experience of reading last to the Shaikh therefore being the one to wash the dishes after the Dars. Yes, every Monday and Thursday the Shaikh used to fast so some students used to end up washing the dishes. So imagine some people passing by seeing a University Student washing wares for the Shaikh. 

Another time, after the Dars, I walked him to get a taxi and he asked me about Trinidad. So I told him a bit about the country. He asked me about the schools. I said the only purely Islamic school is Darul Uloom but it is Tableegh. Then the Shaikh said:

"Jama'ah Tableegh Ta'baan may Allah guide them."

And everyone knows the Shaikh used to get perturbed to hear a letter pronounced wrongly. And my problem was the Raa with the Kesra. When reading to him the Shaikh would often have his head down as if he is half asleep but he was listening totally. So I would recite without mistakes but as I reached the Raa with the Kesra he would look up and smile and say:

"Oh Ta'baan please to not make a round sound with the Raa with the Kesra." 

He had a lot of love without doubt. Even when he would get angry at you, you knew it was out of love for the student and not to hurt him. 

May Allah bless this great scholar of Islam and have mercy upon him. Without doubt what myself and others who have studied under him will pass on is his precise recitation of the Qur'an. 

And Allah knows best." 

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