Dammaj is calling for help!
The praise is to Allah alone. And peace and blessing is upon whom no messenger will come after.
Verily, the rights of a Muslim upon his Muslim brother are many. From it is that he aids him as much as he can if he asked for his help. And from it is that he does not hand him to enemies.
Verily, the rights of a Muslim upon his Muslim brother are many. From it is that he aids him as much as he can if he asked for his help. And from it is that he does not hand him to enemies.
Shaykh Muqbil bin Hadee Al-Waadi’ee-rahimahullah- benefited from the scholars of Madeenah and he excelled in the science of hadeeth. The knowledge he gained in madeenah qualified him to call to Allah and benefit people. He returned to his homeland, Dammaj in the province of Saada in North of Yemen, to establish a Salafi da’awah. This was roughly forty years ago at a time when heedlessness was prevalent in Yemen. His da’wah started very weak and it was accompanied with abject poverty and insolvency in a country that lacked basic things such as electricity. His da’wah was like a candle in a dark desert. Shaykh Muqbil rahimahullah carried on doing da’wah. He carried on striving and being patient with Da’wah until Allah opened a centre of knowledge and da’wah at his hands. And people started coming to this centre not only from Arab states but also from Europe and America. He was an example that can hardly be matched in modern times. And whoever ponders over the da’wah of shaykh Muqbil and its effect will know that success comes from Allah.
Shaykh Muqbil was not a politician. Nor he was neither a rich man nor a hizbee. Rather he was a Sunni scholar who would call to Allah upon knowledge and while holding tight to the Kitaab and Sunnah at the understanding of the Salaf. His students where spread across the provinces and villages of Yemen. They reached tens of thousands in numbers.
By Allah, whom no other God is worthy of worship, I have prayed in a Masjid in Philadelphia in USA that was given the name of shaykh Muqbil bin Hadee Al-Waadi’ee when I was invited to give a lecture there.
Shaykh Muqbil rahimahullah died after he left behind him students of knowledge who are truly from the best of Ahlus-sunnah and from the most serious in seeking knowledge, memorizing and authoring as well as upholding the best of manners. Such as Shaykh Yahya Al-Hajooree, who preceded him in Dammaj, Shyakh Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Imaam in ma’bar, the likes of shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab Al-Wasaabee and shaykh Muhammad BaMossa in Al-Hudaidah, Shaykh Abdul-Aziz A-Bur’ee in Ib, Shaykh Muhammad As-Soomlee in Saana, shaykh Uthmaan As-Saalimee and shaykh Abdullah Ath-Thamaaree in Thamar and shaykh Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Adanee in Aden. And there are many more but the point here is that Allah has blessed the da’wah of shaykh Muqbil bin Hadee Al-Waadi’ee rahimahullah.
Today, amid the trials that are seen around the world generally and in Yemen specially, and at a time of distraction from the world and deliberate ignoring from the enemies of Allah from one side and the parties from another side, Houthis besieged the markaz of shaykh Muqbil with the aid of the Safavid Rafidhee state (Iran). They imposed on them a total siege and killed from the student who they killed and terrorized the inhabitants of the area. And they did not blame them except for believing in Allah. Dammaj, Sunni Salafi village that hosts thousands of families, is located between many villages of Houthis and they want to drive them out of Dammaj so that they can establish an independent state that poses a threat on the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the state of the Tawheed and Sunnah.
It is amazing the silence of the world about what is happening in Dammaj except the few. If a train accident was to happen in China and twenty people died this would have been reported by the media with full coverage. The same would happen if a plane crashed in Russia or three people die in a night club in USA. But the siege of thousands of Ahlus-Sunnah in Dammaj by the Houthis is being totally ignored wal-llahul musta’aan.
By Allah whom no other God is worthy of worship, if the people of Dammaj were upon something else other than the Sunnah, you would have seen the people of partisanship shouting to make awareness about them and raising funds for them.
I ask Allah to make the people of the Sunnah in Dammah and everywhere victorious. Blessed be the people of Dammaj for the Sunnah that Allah guided them to.
The original article in Arabic can be found here:
Translated by Abu Bakr bin Ahmad Ath-Thibyaanee
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