Friday, 30 December 2011

The Blockade of Dammaj - 30th December 2011


The Blockade of Dammaj - 30th December 2011

Allaah - the Most High - says: 'And that Allaah may test (or purify) the believers (from sins) and destroy the disbelievers'!! (Aali 'imraan/141)

All praise is due to Allaah, indeed the believers were tested and what Allaah has promised took place, so that this increases Ahlus-Sunnah in loftiness. And this is the situation of that which takes place in the Dunya and in the hereafter, as Allah - the Most High - says: 'Bringing low (some - those who will enter the Hell-fire) Exalting (others - those who will enter paradise)'. The people of Knowledge mentioned: 'Some generations will be lowered and be made the lowest of the low in the Hell-fire, even if they were Honourable in this Dunya. And others will be raised to the highest of the High in eternal bliss, even if they were weak in this Dunya'.

Yesterday, the Houthies sought from Ahlus-Sunnah that they leave Dammaj, however today Ahlus-Sunnah seek from the Houthies that they exit Dammaj except those of them who are from the Village and within its security.

Yesterday, the Houthies thought that they possessed power, however today they realised that they are nothing.

Yesterday, some of the people thought that the Houthies were people of truth, however today the people have come to know that they are people of falsehood.

And its upon the Houthies that they comprehend their own ability, and that Sa'dah will soon rise up against them because of their transgression, oppression, their haughtiness, their taking the peoples wealth upon falsehood and their pride (looking down) upon the weak ones. The people of Sa'dah, those who were made to flee from their land to San'aa, have began protesting in San'aa and use the oppression of the Raafidhah in Sa'dah and them being driven away from their lands as an argument.

We say to these people that protesting will not benefit you, because it is not from our religion but rather it is upon you to take your rights with your hands, as being gentle does not benefit with the Raafidhah, and protesting (originally) comes from the enemies of the religion. And indeed Ash-Shaykh, Al-'Allaamah Yahya bin 'Alee Al-Hajoori - May Allaah preserve him - directed an advice to the Houthies; if they acted upon it it would have been better for them. From that which he said: 
((أيها الحوثيون إن كنتم ترون أنكم قد صرتم دولة فاعلنوا دولتكم للعالم وابسطوا نفوذكم, ومن استطاع أن يصبر على جبروتكم وإذلالكم له في محافظة صعدة صبر, ومن لم يستطع فأرض الله واسعة, وإن كنتم لستم بدولة كما هو حالكم الآن وجب عليكم وعلى غيركم لزوم أدب القبائل وسائر الناس بعضها مع بعض, فلا تفرضوا عليهم انحرافكم وأفكاركم الباطلة ولا تكبتوا حريتهم, فللناس ممن ليس على فكركم حقّ أن يعيشوا بحريتهم التي أتاحها الله سبحانه وتعالى لهم آمنين في صعدة وغيرها.)) 

And today the students of knowledge do not cease being extremely cautious from the treachery of the Raafidhah. I ask Allaah to preserve them. I give the Glad-tidings to my brothers that their wounded brothers, those who have been successfully taken to San'aa, are in a good state and All praise is due to Allaah.

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