Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Clarification Of The Corrupt Fundamental Principles Of Christianity 5 of 5‏

Series of refutations against the enemies of Islaam, The Christians
Part 4: The Corrupt Fundamental principles of the Christians
Taken from the Book:1

A Gift For The Clever
concerning the refutation upon the people of the cross

By Abdullah At-Turjumaan
previously known as:1
Anselm Turmeda
Chapter three:1

Regarding:Clarification Of The Corrupt Fundamental Principles Of Christianity
The Fifth Principle:1

Regarding: The confession of all sins to the priest, and the description of that

Know – may Allah have mercy upon you -: the Christians believe that it is not possible to enter Paradise until all the sins are confessed to the priest, and everyone who hides from him a sin then the confession did not benefit him. For every year during their fast, they walk tothe churches and confess all of their sins to the priest of that church, and the rest of the time nobody confesses their sin except if he is sick and fears death; for then he goes and calls forth the priest, who then comes to him and he confesses to him all of his sins and he (i.e. the priest) forgives them for him. They believe that every sin that the priest forgives is also forgiven with Allah The Most High. Because of this “the pope” who is in the city of Rome – and he is the khalifah of 'Isa on the earth according to their assumption – gives he whom he wills acquittance by forgiving his sins, frees him from the fire and grants him entry into Paradise, and he takes for that a momentous sum of money. Likewise, everyone who he (the pope) deputises from the priests throughout the Christian world can do it, they give the acquittance by forgiving (the sins), the granting of Paradise and salvation from the Fire. The Christians take these acquittance’s after they pay a generous payment to the one who writes it for them, they keep it with them, and when one of them dies, the acquittance is placed inside of his coffin, and they are completely convinced in their belief: that they will enter Paradise with this acquittance. And this is from the tricks of the priest which he uses to take money from the Christians

So it is said to them: why are you doing this when 'Isa did not order you to do it? The students of 'Isa never confessed their sins to'Isa, the one they assumed to be Allah and His son, and according to what they say he is more suitable to forgive sins than all of the priests put together?1

Furthermore, you have no doubt amongst you that the priest is a man like yourselves, and perhaps he has more sins than you do, especially concerning him making you disbelieve with his opinion (i.e. by following him) and him misguiding you. For who is the one who will forgive him of his sins? However, you are a people who are blind, and your priest is even more blind than you, and if a blind man guides a blind man they both fall into destruction[1]. Likewise, you along with your priest are falling into the pit of Hell-Fire to dwell there in forever; because the forgiveness of your sins along with your Kufr and your Shirk has been cut off from you byAllah due to His truthful statement in His Mighty book:1

إِنَّ اللَّهَ لاَ يَغْفِرُ أَن يُشْرَكَ بِهِ وَيَغْفِرُ مَا دُونَ ذَلِكَ لِمَن يَشَاء 

Verily, Allâh forgives not that partners should be set up with him in worship, but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He pleases 
And if your forgiveness is unattainable – due to that truthful message (i.e. the verse) – then the priest forgiving you is even more absurd, and is closer to the taunting of Shaytaan and his soldiers and their mockery of you
وَمَن يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ 
andwho can forgive sins but Allâh ?1
There is no power or might except with Allah The Most High, The Most Great

1Matthew 15:14


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