Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Benefits from a sitting with Shaykh Bazmool‏


All praise is due to Allah, and may exaltation and safety be granted to Muhammad, his family, his companions, and those who aid them. To proceed:

This week, I (Abu Aadam Finch - a student at Umm Qura) had a chance to spend some time with Shaykh Ahmad Bazmool, may Allah protect him. I want to share some of the benefits I learned with the noble readers on the TROID forum. I ask Allah, the All-Able, to make me sincere in statement and action.

This Sunday, Shaykh Ahmad resumed his classes on three books: Usool as-Sunnah by al-Imaam Ahmad, Minhaaj as-Salikeen by Imaam as-S’adee and al-Ajuroomiyyah by Ibn Aajarroom. Here are a few short-hand notes from that class:

[1]: The Salaf used to test people by their views on the Imaams of the Sunnah;

[2]: Men are loved because of their adherence to the Sunnah, not because of their names or because of who they are;

[3]: Whoever is known for firm adherence to the Sunnah, you may test a person by way of him;

[4]: al-Imaam ash-Shaafi’ee [d. 204 A.H.], may Allah have mercy on him, said: “I met no one more pious than al-Imaam Ahmad, may Allah have mercy on him, in Baghdad;

[5]: Ponder over how al-Imaam Ahmad, may Allah have mercy in him, stood firm on the Sunnah;

[6]: A student of knowledge gives great importance to the Shaykh that he chooses to study with;

[7]: In biographies, you will find that the teachers and students of a Shaykh are mentioned. His teachers are mentioned in order to show his foundation, and his students are mentioned in order to show his outcome;

[8]: The people of the Sunnah stand in the faces of the people of innovation, and they are diligent in protecting the religion;

[9]: The book “Usool as-Sunnah” shows that al-‘aqeedah (creed) and manhaj (methodology) are one entity. This is because al-Imaam Ahmad mentioned both issues of al-‘aqeedah and manhaj in his book “Usool as-Sunnah;”

[10]: The goal of seeking knowledge is to act by it, not to gather a lot of information;

[11]: If a person seeks knowledge at an older age, if he is sincere and follows the Sunnah, Allah, the Most High, will bless his endeavor;

[12]: Learning Arabic grammar is not difficult. The proof is that some scholars of the ‘Arabic language were non-Arabs;

[13]: The Internet busies a student from seeking knowledge;

On Tuesday evening, I had an opportunity to take an evening walk with Shaykh Ahmad, may Allah protect him from all that is evil, and there are two benefits I want to share:

[1]: Recently, I had been reading about Haafidh al-Hakamee [d. 1377 AH], may Allah have mercy on him, so I asked Shaykh Ahmad: “How is it that some of our scholars were his students when Haafidh al-Hakamee passed away at such a young age, 35 years old?”

He said that’s because they met him before he passed when they were young. This caused us to ponder of the ages of these scholars who were his students. Thus, it was discovered that Shaykh Rabee’ was around 25 years old at the time of Haafidh al-Hakamee’s passing away. I continued to research on my own, and I have found out that Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee was 20 years old when Haafidh al-Hakamee passed away, and Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee [d. 1429 A.H.] was 31 when Haafidh al-Hakamee passed away.

[2]: I also asked Shaykh Ahmad about a contemporary issue: “Is refuting the Ikhwaan al-Muslimoon considered rebellion (i.e. Khurooj) against the ruler.”

He replied to me, “No, al-Imaam Ahmad, may Allah have mercy in him, refuted the Jahmiyyah during his time; rather, he declared them to be disbelievers. [However, he was patient with al-Mam’oon (i.e. the ruler), who, at that time, was calling people to say the Qur’aan is created]. So, a person is patient with the leader of Egypt; yet, there is no problem refuting the Muslim Brotherhood.”

I hope my brothers and sisters found these brief benefits beneficial, and I hope that they will be an aid in helping me and them practice the Qur’aan and Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salaf as-Saalih.

Abu Aadam Finch

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