Saturday, 21 April 2012

A Series Of refutations Against The Enemies Of Islaam, The Cristians: Part 6‏

Series of refutations against the enemies of Islaam, The Christians
Part 6: A Clarification That 'Isa Is Not a God
Taken from the Book:1

A Gift For The Clever
concerning the refutation upon the people of the cross

By Abdullah At-Turjumaan
previously known as:1
Anselm Turmeda
Chapter Five:
Regarding:The Clarification That 'Isa Is Not A God, But Rather He Is A Human, From The Children Of Aadam, Created, And A Prophet That Was Sent –Peace And Blessings Be Upon Him

Know– may Allah have mercy upon you -: That everything we have mentioned from the creed of the Christians and their Disbelief regarding their statement; the Messiah is Allah and also the son of Allah, and that he Is the creator of the creation, That which nullifies this and refutes it is the statement of those four that wrote the four gospels, for Matthew said in the first chapter of his gospel: “this is the lineage of the Messiah: he is the son of Dawood Bin Ibraheem" [1]1

This is an acknowledgement that 'Isa was a child born from the offspring of Dawood the Prophet – peace be upon him – who was from the tribe of Yahoodhaa (Judah) Bin Ya'qoob (Jacob) Bin Ishaaq (Isaac) Bin Ibraheem (Abraham) - peace be upon them -. Everyone whose ancestry from the children of Aadam is affirmed, then there is no doubt that he is from the children of Aadam; because Allah the Eternally Pre-Existent, He begets not, neither was He begotten, and everything besides Him occurred

Matthew also said in the nineteenth chapter of his gospel: “a man said to the Messiah 'Oh you superior one' so then 'Isa said ' why did you name me superior one? Verily the superior one is Allah the Most High" [2]1

This is great humbleness from him – peace be upon him – and great mannerism towards his Lord and his Creator; for how can he claim a partner to Him in His divinity

John said in the seventeenth chapter of his gospel: “the Messiah raised his glance to the Heavens and begged to Allah, The One, The Creator and said: “it is incumbent upon the people to know that you are Allah, The One, The Creator, and You are the One who sent me" [3]1

Then this is acknowledgement that he is a prophet that was sent from Allah The Most High with that which He made incumbent from monotheism and that He, Glorified be He is the One, the Creator, there is no Creator to the creation other than Him. And with this 'Isa came, as did all of the prophets and messengers – may the blessings of Allah be upon all of them

If someone from the Christians was to say: 'Isa did acknowledge in this passage that he was a prophet that was sent; and he has acknowledged in another passage that he is the eternal creator, then we say in our answer: this is fabrication upon him, and he is free from that, and from everything that you have attributed to him. You did not pay attention to the atrocious contradiction which is between those two passages, because he – peace be upon him – acknowledged that he was a man sent from Allah, and that is what is correct, then how can it be permissible for him to contradict with an impossible claim regarding his reality that he is an eternal creator? Rather this is from the fabrications of the earliest disbelievers (from amongst the Christians), and then all of your groups accepted it with what it comprises of from unspeakable disbelief and atrocious contradiction

For Matthew said in the forth chapter of his gospel: “Shaytaan enticed the Messiah to prostrate to him, and he showed him the kingdoms ofthe Dunya and its splendour and said to him: prostrate to me and I will give you all of this, so the Messiah said: it is written upon every man that he will not worship anything besides Allah the Most High and he will not prostrate to anything other than Him" [4]1

Then this from him is acknowledgement that he is free from divinity, for if he was a god, Shaytaan would not have been brave enough to venture upon him in this way. Within the statement and its answer is acknowledgement that Allah The Most High is The God, and that nobody is to prostrate except to Him, Blessed be He The Most High. And this which the Christians themselves brought to light from their gospels is in itself demeaning for them and is an argument against them, rather 'Isa and other than him from the prophets – peace be upon them – are infallible from the inner, hidden whisperings of Shaytaan; how can he call them to clear disbelief by making prostration to him instead of Allah? This is an obvious, clear expression, and there is no doubt that it is from the differing that occurred between those who wrote the gospels, and upon their thoughtlessness regarding the possibility of this happening to 'Isa even being conceivable – peace be upon him

John said in the end of his gospel: 'Isa said to the disciples: “I am going to my father and your father, my God and your God" [5And he means by his statement “my father and your father”: my Lord and your Lord - that was the terminology of the people in that time

For if they say: He (Allah) is his father according to this wording, then we say: it is incumbent then due to this wording that He is also your father aswell; because he said “my father and your father” and then he clearly expressed afterwards that which negates every doubt due to his statement “my God and your God”. For then concerning divinity, there remains absolutely nothing for him

Matthew said in the tenth chapter of his gospel: 'Isa – peace be upon him –said to the disciples: “whoever welcomes you and accommodates you, then surely he has welcomed me and accommodated me, and whoever has welcomed me and accommodated me, then he has welcomed He who sent me” [6]1

John said in the fifth chapter of his gospel: the Messiah said: “I did not come to teach due to my will, rather by the will of He who sent me" [7]1

Mark said in the last part of his gospel: 'Isa said whilst he was on the wooden cross – upon their assumption -: “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” [8], and that was the last thing that he said in this Dunya. Far be it that Allah did forsake him or that He made it possible for the Jews to crucify him, rather we object against the Christians with this, because they consent that this is from the text of their gospels and they believe in it. For within it is: an explicit declaration that 'Isa said “my God, my God” for he acknowledged that he has a God that is called upon in hardships and he freed himself from claiming divinity. Then essentially this necessitates that the beliefs of the Christians are rejected as lies, they have no way of turning away from it, however they are ...1

q(Theyare) deaf, dumb and blind. So they do not understand (Al-Baqarah:171)1

Luke said in the last part of his gospel: after the Messiah had risen from his grave; he entered upon the disciples, and they had gathered together in a room and locked the door. As soon as he entered upon them they became frightened by him and thought that he was from the souls of the Angels or the Jinn. When he realised that from them, he said: “oh you people, touch me and know: that the spiritual souls do not have flesh and bones, the like of which you find in my body” [9]. So he acknowledged that he is made up of flesh, bones and substance of the living beings, and freed himself from divinity

This text - just as the one before it – is from that which disproves them regarding the event of 'Isa being killed, buried, then rising from his grave after the burial, rather it is from the fabrications of the first of the Christians and their false claims, it is idiotic regarding its inconceivability, and it is disbelief and misguidance. However we have nullified the proof in their claim that 'Isa is God and the son of God- High be Allah, there is none whom has the right to be worshipped except He. For then he who says: The Messiah is under the authority of Allah The Most High, and he was a baby that grew in height and width, then he reached his greatest stage (of growth) and Allah sent him as a messenger, then he has agreed with the statement of the Messiah and his students. As for he who opposes that; then he has opposed the truth and has taken as a way of belief that which is clear disbelief, and we seek refuge in Allah from that

Also, it makes incumbent upon them; that which is considered the most absurd thing according to all of those that posses sound intellect,and that is: if the Messiah is an eternal creator just as they believe, together with the fact that he is made of flesh and blood; then they have made some of The Lord that is worshipped an eternal creator, and have made some of Him something created that came into existence. This is because the Messiah himself acknowledged that he is made of flesh and blood in the gospels text, and flesh and blood is produced by food and drink, and (food and drink) is a part of this Dunya. Then according to their statement: The Creator of all of the Dunya; He Himself is a part (of the Dunya), and that part is also its own creator, as He is a part of the Dunya which is created by Him.

This is the most absurd fact from their claims of falsehood, and the most improbable thing to be conceived in the intellectual mind. For whoever believes it and takes it as a religion, then that which we have clarified (in the paragraph above) becomes incumbent upon him, and he becomes deserving of Allah's Wrath and Anger, and it has become clear that he is from the people of failure

It also necessitates from that which is ridiculously unthinkable: that He is part of the Dunya whilst He is The Creator of all things. Some of something can not exist until all of it is in existence, as for that which does not exist physically or intelligibly, then it isn't anything (in reality). Then The Creator of the Dunya- according to their statement- is not there and does not exist physically, it is something unknown and does not exist intelligibly. I think that the one who brought about this belief for them (i.e. for the Christians), intended Ta'teel [10specifically, because Ta'teel is from (the ways of) the atheists, so he ridiculed the Christians and authored for them a variety of disbelief and misguidance built upon unthinkable ridiculousness, due to what it actualises from their negligence and their acceptance of these sham ideologies and statements

So it is said to them: the first gospel articulated that the Messiah clipped his nails and cut his hair, and his body grew in height and width. Then if he was like they say; an eternal creator, and these parts from the hair and nails separated from him and detached from the rest of him, became decayed and vanished, as there remained no trace of it, then according to this some of the eternal creator became decayed and vanished, and the rest of him remained as it was. He who decays partially, then the decay will soon reach the rest of him, and he who (decays) partially or fully; then he is confined, in need of that which brings him into existence and regulates him, and whoever is of this description: then he is himself a needy-one and is not free from all needs. The intellectual evidences and the quoted texts bear witness that the God, the Eternal Creator – blessed be He the Most High – is not a human body, essence or incarnation and He does not separate into parts, neither does He divide His Eternal pre-existent Essence into divisions, and neither is any defect, change or transformation connected to it (I.e. His Essence). He is completely free from all need, and all of the creation are in need of Him constantly in all of their affairs, He is as He described His Noble-Self

There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.(As-Shuraa:11)1

And it is also said to them: this Messiah which you believe is the eternal creator, was he in a time and place or not? And they are not able to deny this; because the two gospels of Matthew and Luke clearly state that he was born in Bethlehem, which is attributed toYahoodhaa (Judah), in the time of King Herod the great, and that he was killed and crucified in the days of the King Pontius Pilate. And everybody who was in a time and was in a place, then it is certain that there did exist before other times and places that encompass him. Whoever is like this then he is created, and if it is affirmed that he is created, then their belief that he is the true god and that he created everything becomes falsified

And it is definitely known: that time is from the created matters, and that time was before the Messiah was present, there is no doubt in this or any dispute. Then how can it be conceivable that time was present before its creator? And that a place is surrounding the one who created all places? This is from the most repulsive things that can be imagined in the minds, and from the most disgusting things that are unthinkable and false. For everyone who was born within time, and surrounded by place; then he is a living creature and the son of a living creature, and the Messiah is from the most noble species of living creatures, because he is a man from mankind –High be Allah above that which the disbelievers say with a Great elevation 

Within what I have clarified here, with the Power and Might of Allah, is that which necessitates the corruption of the legislation of the Christians, and the falsification of their belief, and the clarification of my abandonment (of Christianity) regarding what I chose for myself from the clear religion of truth, and the following of the creed of the most virtuous of the prophets – may the blessings of Allah be upon him, his family, his companions and upon all of the prophets and messengers 

And from Allah we ask for complete righteousness and success. He is sufficient for us and He is the Best-Disposer of affairs


q[1Matthew 1:1

q[2]Matthew 19:16-18

q[3]John 17:1+ (this verse is barely recognisable in some translations, may Allah expose their lies)

q[4]Matthew 4:8

q[5]John 20:17

q[6]Matthew 10:40

q[7]John 6:38

q[8]Mark 15:34

q[9]Luke 24:36-39

q[10]Denial of Allah and/or His lofty attributes

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