Friday, 27 April 2012

A Series Of Refutations Against The Enemies Of Islaam, The Christians: Part 7‏

Series of refutations against the enemies of Islaam, The Christians
Part 7: The Contradictions Of Matthew, Mark, Luke And John
Taken from the Book:1

A Gift For The Clever
concerning the refutation upon the people of the cross

By Abdullah At-Turjumaan
previously known as:1
Anselm Turmeda
Chapter Six:
Regarding:The contradictions of the four who wrote the four gospels, and the clarification of their lies
Know– may Allah have mercy upon you -: that the four who wrote the gospels differed in regards to many things, and that is a proof upon their lies. For if they were upon the truth, they would not have differed concerning anything. Allah the Most High said in His mighty book that was revealed upon His sincere friend, Mohammed – may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his familyHad it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found within much contradictions (An-Nisaa, 82)1So then contradictions have been made as an indication that Allah has been lied upon, and that is because everything that is from Him, the Most High, does not contradict in the meanings, nor conflict in the fundamentals. And everything which the liars fabricate upon Him, then it is inevitable that the presence of contradictions and conflictions will expose them concerning that...1
In order that Allah may distinguish the wicked from the good (Al-Anfaal: 37)1
And He is the All-Wise, the All-Knower (Az-Zukhruf : 84)1
And from the fabricated texts of those who wrote the gospels: that which John said in the thirteenth chapter of his gospel: that 'Isa –peace be upon him – said to the disciples, whilst he was walking with them during the night in which the Jews seized him: “the truth I tell you, one of you is going to betray me. John said to him: Oh master, who will that be? So 'Isa said to him: the one whom we give the bread that has been dipped in broth [1] Then he gave it to Judah the son Simon Iscariot, and he is the one who betrayed him and lead the jews to him
Mark said in the fourteenth chapter of his gospel: that 'Isa said to him: “he is the one who dips his bread with me in the bowl, he is the one who will betray me” [2]1

Matthew said in the twenty-sixth chapter of his gospel: that 'Isa said to him: “the one who dips his bread in my bowl, he is the one who will betray me”[
Luke said in the twenty-second chapter of his gospel: that 'Isa said: “the one that will betray me is with me amongst my students”[

This contradiction is clear, because 'Isa did not reiterate this statement in any other sitting in order for them to assume that the wording of his saying had differed, and the meanings of their statements are not one; for everyone of the four expressed his statement from their ownselves
For his specification of Judah the Iscariot, handing over to him the bread dipped in broth, necessitates his nomination and the exposure of his affair. And the remainder of what they narrated shows that they did not know his affair, and this contradiction proves the lies from all four of those who wrote the gospels, and with Allah lies success 

And from those contradictions: is that which Matthew said in the twentieth chapter from his gospel: “when 'Isa left from the land of Jericho, two blind men called him and said to him: Oh son of Daawoud, have mercy upon us, so he opened their eyes and from then they became those that could see”[

And from the contradictions: is that which Mark said in the tenth chapter of his gospel: “when 'Isa left from the aforementioned land, one blind man called him and said: Oh 'Isa, have mercy upon me, so he opened for him his eyes” [

What is well-known from the gospel: is that 'Isa only passed by that land once, for then Matthew has lied regarding the existence of two blind men, and Mark has lied regarding the existence of one blind man; because the story is only one story. And concerning their agreement that the blind man called 'Isa and said to him: Oh son of Daawoud –an attribution to a descendant from mankind – disproves their beliefs regarding him, for the blind man did not say to him: “Oh God” or “Oh son of God” or “Oh creator of the creation” just as they assume he is, rather he said “Oh son of Daawoud”, an attribution to a prophet from amongst the prophets, in order to indicate that the lineage of his mother Maryam is from this pure race, because Maryam is from the progeny of Daawoud Bin Iyshaa (David the son of Jesse) from the tribe of Yahoodhaa (Judah) Bin Ya'qoub Bin Ishaaq Bin Ibraheim – peace be upon them 

And from those contradictions: is that which Matthew said in the twenty-seventh chapter of his gospel: “crucified with 'Isa were two thieves, and they would insult him in (his) crucified state”[

And Luke said in the twenty-third chapter of his gospel: that one of the two thieves was mocking 'Isa and said to him: “if you really are the Messiah, then free yourself and free us.” The other thief rebuked him and said: “do you not fear Allah? And do you not know that the one who is afflicting him is also afflicting you? And that you and I deserve what is being done to us, and he is not deserving of anything?” then he said to the Messiah: “Oh my master, remember me on the day that you enter your kingdom”, the Messiah said to him: “I say to you the truth: you will be with me on that day in the highest heaven”[

This is a clear contradiction; because Matthew made the fire binding upon those two thieves, since they slandered the Messiah, and Luke made paradise binding upon one of them. They both lied fundamentally concerning the affair of the Messiahs' crucifixion, and disbelieved due to that. John is the one who was present at the crucifixion, and he said in the nineteenth chapter of his gospel: “there were two thieves who were crucified with him, one of them on his right and the other on his left”[
9and he did not mention that they said anything to him at all, and that is completely contradictory and unbalanced

And from the contradictions: is what Matthew said in the twenty-first chapter of his gospel: the Messiah was upon his riding beast, and he was travelling towards Jerusalem, just as it was mentioned by some of the prophets:“you will see your king come to you upon a horse”[
10]. Mark said in the eleventh chapter of his gospel: “the Messiah was riding upon a small Hinny, the offspring of a Horse[11]”[12]
and he did not mention at all that he was upon a horse 

Luke said in the nineteenth chapter of his gospel: “that he was upon a horse”[
, similar to what Matthew said

John said in the twelfth chapter of his gospel: “he was riding upon a small Hinny”[
, similar to what Mark mentioned

Then look – may Allah have mercy upon you – at their pathetic contradictions and their manifest lies regarding their statement that he rode upon a small Hinny, and because it (the Hinny) was so young, they put its name on a grammatical scale emphasising how small it was, and if that is the case then how can a man ride upon it? 

And also from those contradictions: is that which Matthew said in the twentieth chapter of his gospel: Maryam the wife of Zebedee came tothe Messiah and said to him: “may my two sons sit with you tomorrow in your kingdom, one on your right and the other on your left”[

Mark said in the tenth chapter of his gospel: the two sons of 'Isas' Auntie, and she is Maryam the wife of Zebedee, said to him: “Oh teacher, we would like from you that you bestow upon us whatever it is that we seek from you”, so then 'Isa said: “what is it that you want?” so they said to him: “bestow upon us that one of us will be seated on your right and the other on your left in your kingdom”[

As for Luke and John, then they did not mention anything from this story about the two sons in their gospels, nor any mention of their mother, bearing in mind that John was inseparable from the Messiah, and he never parted from him until he was raised – peace be upon him -, and that is a really feeble contradiction. Matthew said that the mother requested this, and Mark said it is the two sons who made the request, and their other two companions (i.e. John and Luke) differed with them due to the absence of this story's mention in the first place

And also from their contradictions: is that which Matthew said in the ninth chapter of his gospel: the students of Yahya (i.e. John the baptist) said to the Messiah, “why do we and the Pharisees fast whilst your students do not fast?”[

Mark said in the second chapter of his gospel: a group from the scribes and the Pharisees said to the Messiah: “why do the students of Yahya fast whilst your students eat, drink and do not fast?”[

This is a clear contradiction as the first text has within it that the Pharisees were fasting, and the ones who were asking the question and fasting were the students of Yahya. The second text shows that a group of scribes and the Pharisees were the ones asking the question with the addition of Yahya Bin Zakariyya, and the scribes did notmention if they were fasting or not

Andfrom the contradictions: is that which Matthew said in the third chapter of his gospel: “Yahya was eating locusts and honey”[
19], and then he contradicted his statement in the tenth chapter of his gospel, in which 'Isa – peace be upon him – said to the Jews: “Yahya came to you and he was neither eating or drinking, so then you said: he is one who is possessed, (then) the son of man (i.e. me,'Isa) came eating and drinking, so then you said: the man eats his belly full and drinks wine.”[20]1

This is a clear contradiction from the speech of Matthew; because in one of the two texts he negated that Yahya ate and drank, and then in the other text he affirms that he ate locusts and honey. Also, the Christians were negligent of the unmistakable proof against them in the statement of the Messiah concerning himself that he is indeed the son of man, and that he use to eat (food) and drink water and wine. This is an acknowledgement from him that he is a man and the son of man who is in need of nutritional substance – in order to sustain his body with food and drink – and this disproves their claim that he is a god and the son of God. Allah the Lord of all that exists is High above their disbelief with a great elevation

And from their contradictions and manifest lies upon Allah and His Messenger: is that what John said in the fifth chapter of his gospel: the Messiah said to the Jews: “my father is the One who sent me, and He bears witness to me, no one has ever heard His Voice before, nor seen Him”[
21and this is close to what the Messiah said. Then Matthew opposed him in the wording and meaning with clear-cut disbelief, as he said in the seventeenth chapter of his gospel: “the Messiah ascended mount Tabor and with him was Peter, James and John (the two son's of Zebedee) the disciples. When they reached the top of the mount, the Messiahs' face became light as if it was a moon or a sun. They was not able to look at him, and they heard a voice of the father from the heavens saying: this is My son, the one who I have chose for Myself, listen to him and believe in him”[22]1

Mark said likewise in the ninth chapter of his gospel.[

John said in the fourteenth chapter of his gospel: the Messiah said to the disciples: “you saw my father and you became acquainted with him” Philip the disciple said to him: “Oh master, how did we see the father?” so then the Messiah said: “ Oh Philip, I have been with you for a long time, and you do not know me Oh Philip? Whoever has seen me then he has seen my father”[

This is from clear contradiction and atrocious disbelief. As for the contradiction: then it is between what John said; that the One who sent the Messiah testifies for him with the authenticity of his prophethood and his messengership, and that His Voice has not been heard by anybody, neither has anybody seen Him, and between the following statement of John: the Messiah said to the disciples: “you saw my father and you became acquainted with him... Whoever has seen me then he has seen my father”

Likewise the story of mount Tabor, that the three who were with 'Isa heard the Speech of the father, i.e. the Lord of the slaves – blessed be He, High above what they claim – and that the Messiah said to them: “this is My son, the one who I have chose for Myself”, Allah forbid that His Speech is heard by His creation – Holy is He from having a companion and a son – how can He testify for 'Isa that heis the son of Allah? Rather this is from their lies and insolence towards Allah by lying upon Him and upon His Messenger 'Isa. And their intention behind all of these lies: is the circulation of their beliefs regarding the godliness of the Messiah, and with him being the son of Allah – High be Allah from that – then Allah, with his great ability and splendid wisdom, caused them to fall into contradiction and disagreement, sometimes without even realising that they do not support each other in the wording and the meaning

q[1] John 13:21-26

q[2] Mark 14:17-20

q[3] Matthew 26:23

q[4] Luke 22:21

q[5] Matthew 20:29-34

q[6] Mark 10:46-52 also the meaning of this passage is found in Luke 18:35-43

q[7] Matthew 27:38-44

q[8] Luke 23:39-43

q[9] John 19:18

q[10] Matthew 21:1-5

[11] A Hinny is from the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey 

q[12] Mark 11:5-10

q[13] Luke 19:28-44

q[14] John 12:12-19

q[15] Matthew 20:20-22

q[16] Mark 10:35-37

q[17] Matthew 9:14

q[18] Mark 2:18

q[19] Matthew 3:4

q[20] Matthew 11:18-19

q[21] John 5:37

q[22] Matthew 17:1-5

q[23] Mark 9:2-7

q[24] John 14:7-9

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