Tuesday, 22 November 2011

The Muslim Youth Involved In The Blood Street Gang Or Any Other Gang...Answered by Shaykh Umar as-Sumaalee‏

Summary: The Muslim Youth Involved In The Blood Street Gang Or Any Other Gang...
 This question was posed to Shaykh Umar as-Sumaalee, by AuthenticStatements.com

In the U.S.A , There are non-islamic radical group erupting from one end of the Country to the other.This group is involved in drug selling, unlawful killings, Robberies, oppression, kidnapping and an array of other crimes on all levels.Their creed is based on an acronym which spells out [BLOOD- Brotherly Love Overrides Oppression and Destruction]. Their manhaaj is specific to what is mentioned Above, and they have to adhere to the commands of their leaders.Also,their initiation could be from harming or killing a muslim or the general people.This is a growing problem here in the U.S.A. of great magnitude. Unfortunately many of the Muslim Youth of this country have faithfully accepted the creed of this non-islamic radical group or their likes and live their lives abiding by the creed of these groups and refuse to abandon the creed. The muslims have been advising the muslim youth to denounce this behavior but it has been to no avail.They believe it is alright to follow the creed of Islaam and follow the creed of this non-islamic radical group and when you advise them against this behavior they say “I believe in Allaah and I’m still a Muslim”.

My question is because of their allegiance to the kuffar and their creed..Do we allow them to offer salaat in congregation with us and attend jumu’ah? Do we give them salaams or except salaams from them? Should we boycott them? Should we offer janaazah for them? Are they considered apostate?
Answered by: Shaykh Umar as-Sumaalee
[Q-1] My question is because of their allegiance to the kuffar and their creed. Do we allow them to offer salaat in congregation with us and attend jumu¹ah?

[A-1] Yes

[ Q-2] Do we give them salaams or except salaams from them?

[A-2] Yes

[Q-3] Should we boycott them?

[A-3] The younger ones of them we should be cordial to and give them Naseehah as much as possible. The older of them we should not become friendly with. Give them Naseehah and keep our distance, beware of them, they are of the age to know the effects of their criminal actions.

[Q-4] Should we offer janaazah for them?

[A-4] Yes. If another group of the Muslims, other than the Salafis, are willing to perform their Janaazah, this is best.But if not, it is incumbent upon us. Fard Kifayah.

[Q-5] Are they considered apostate?

[A-5] No. These people are to be considered members of a Gang. If they were known to be Muslim and then went on to join this Gang, we must consider them to be Muslim, we do not know what is in their hearts. From the acts that they are attributed with, the members of this Gang are criminals, and as such, if it were allowed, then they should be punished. But, we know that we are not allowed to punish them in the land of the Kuffaar.We must give them Naseehah, with Sabr.

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