Series of refutations against the enemies of Islaam, The Christians
Part 2: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Taken from the Book:1
A Gift For The Cleverconcerning the refutation upon the people of the cross
By Abdullah At-Turjumaan
previously known as:1Anselm Turmeda
Chapter one:1
Regarding: The mention of the four (people) that wrote the four Gospels, and a clarification of their lies – may Allah curse them- 1
Know-may Allah have mercy upon you-: Those that wrote the gospels are four, and they are; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They are the ones that corrupted the religion of 'Isa, they added and they subtracted and they changed the speech of Allah The Most High, just like what Allah, glorified be He informed about in His holy book. And they are not from the Disciples that Allah praised in the Qur'an
As for Matthew then he is the first from them: he did not encounter 'Isa-peace be upon him- and the first time he ever saw him was in the year that Allah raised him into His Heaven -Great is His Majesty.After 'Isa was raised -peace be upon him- Matthew wrote the gospel with his handwriting in the city of Alexandria, and within it he informed of the birth of 'Isa -peace be upon him- and that which manifested at the time of his birth from miracles. And he (also informed) with his (I.e. 'Isa) mothers departure with him to the land of Egypt, fearful from the king ''HEROD'' who desired his killing. And the reason for that;“That three from the Magi [adherents of Mazdaism] that were from the east were travelling to Jerusalem, and they said: where is this king that was born in these days? For we have seen his star rise in our land, and that is proof of his birth, thus we have come to him with a gift. When the king Herod heard about this he changed (i.e. became worried) and gathered the scholars of the Jews and asked them concerning this one that was born. So they said to him: verily, the prophets of Bani Israaeel – peace be upon them- informed us in their books: that the Christ – peace be upon him- his birth place will be in Jerusalem, in Bethlehem, in these days. Then he ordered them to go to Bethlehem and search for this one that was born and if they find him then they should inform him, and he mentioned to them that his intention was to meet with him and that he is going to worship him. The affair is not as he mentioned, rather it was from him a plot and deception, and he was determined upon killing him. So the three Magi departed to Bethlehem and they found Maryam and her son 'Isa on her lap and she was staying in a small dwelling, they gave her the gift and they prostrated to her son and they worshipped him. Then they saw that night an angel from the angels and he ordered them to hide the baby 'Isa -peace be upon him- and that they should return upon a different path than the one they came from. Then the angel drew near to Maryam and informed her of the plot of the king Herod and ordered her to flee with 'Isa -peace be upon him- to the land of Egypt, so she did what he ordered her with”[Matthew 2:1-14 – translated as it was narrated by AbdullahAl-Turjumaan]1
This is the speech of Matthew in his Gospel, and it is baseless, fabricated and falsehood. And a clarification of that: is that between Bethlehem and Jerusalem is five miles, for then if the king Herod was fearful from the one that was born, and searching for him,then he would have travelled himself with the three Magi or sent with them some from his trustees who advised him with searching for the one that was born, upon the most correct viewpoint. Then this is a proof of the fabrication of Matthew in this account
And also: Luke, Mark and John did not mention any of this in their Gospels. Matthew did not attend the birth, however he is conveying it from a liar, he fabricated it as he narrated it. As for Luke then he did not encounter 'Isa -peace be upon him- , and he became a Christian through Paul [1],the Israeeli, and Paul also did not encounter 'Isa, and neither did he see him, and he was from the greatest of enemies of the Christians, to the extent that wherever he found a Christian he would seize him, take him to Jerusalem and imprison him there
Luke related the aforementioned in his book which he named “Stories Of The Disciples” that this Paul would travel with a group of horsemen, and when he was with him (i.e. Luke accompanied Paul) and he (Paul) saw at a light that was like the rays of the sun, he heard a voice from the light that said to him: “why is it that you are prejudiced against me Oh Paul?” [2]then this narration is fabricated, and it is from the deception of Shaytaan
Paul said to him: “and who are you Oh my lord?” so he said: “I am Jesus Christ”. Paul then said to him: “and how is it that I have persecuted you when I have not seen you?” so then he said to him “if you harmed my Ummah then it is as if you have harmed me, so then lift your hand away from their harm for verily they are upon the truth, so follow them and succeed”. Paul then said to him: “Oh lord, what do you order me with?” so then he said: “travel to the city of Damascus and search therein for a man called Ananias, for he knows what you should do”. So he travelled to Damascus and asked regarding that man, then he found him and informed him with what he had heard from the speech of 'Isa, and he (Ananias) called him to enter into Christianity. He responded to that which he was called to and he (Ananias) magnified him after he made clear his faith in 'Isa- peace be upon him
So with that: Paul became Christian through Ananias and Luke became Christian through Paul – as we have mentioned- and he took the gospel from him. Both of them never encountered 'Isa, neither did they ever see him. Then this is insane and within it is a proof upon their fabrications and their falsehood
As for Mark then he – also- did not ever see 'Isa - peace be upon him-. His entry into Christianity was likewise after 'Isa was raised and he embraced Christianity through Peter the Disciple and he took from him the gospel in the city of Rome. This Mark, his three companions who wrote the gospels differed in many issues, as we will clarify in the sixth chapter – if Allah The Most High Wills
As for John then he is the son of 'Isa's maternal auntie - peace be upon him -, and the Christians allege that: 'Isa was present at John's marriage ceremony and that he turned water into wine during that ceremony, and that it was the first miracle that was manifested for 'Isa - peace be upon him -, as soon as John saw that he left his wife and followed 'Isa upon his religion and his journey
The Christians mention: that 'Isa - peace be upon him -, advised his mother Maryam with the son of his maternal aunt - the aforementioned John. And that was when the Jews were in his presence and he was certain of death – according to their assumption- and he ('Isa) said to him: “Oh John, Allah Allah, regarding my mother, for she is your mother” and he said to his mother “Allah Allah, regarding John for he is your son” and he advised her with him (i.e. going to him)1
John is the forth of those who wrote the four gospels – as we have mentioned- and nothing from this is mentioned at all (in the others).[3]1
John wrote his gospel in the Greek language in the city of Ephesus. These four are the ones who wrote the four gospels and corrupted them, changed them around and lied within them, for that what 'Isa came with was only one Injeel (Gospel), there is no bickering regarding that, no confusion and no differing. From these four bickering, confusion and differing has become manifest, as has lying upon Allah The Most High and upon His prophet 'Isa - peace be upon him - that what is well known and famous, and no Christian is able to deny that– as we will mention that which is sufficient if Allah wills
As for their lies: then from them: is that which Mark said in the first chapter of his gospel “Verily in the book of Isaiah the prophet (says) that Allah The Most High said: “I have sent to you a king in front of your face” and he intended by that 'Isa - peace be upon him
This speech is not found within the book of Isaiah, rather it is in the book of Malachi the prophet - peace be upon him - and this is from the most repulsive lies upon the prophets of Allah the Most High when it is attributed to one of them that which is not in his book
And from them: that which was narrated by Matthew in the twelfth chapter of the his gospel, that 'Isa - peace be upon him - said: “my body will be in the earth for three days and three nights after my death just as Yunus stayed in the belly of the whale”[4]1
This is from the most clear of lies and slanders that Matthew wrote in his gospel because his three companions agreed upon what comes in their gospels: that 'Isa died – upon their assumption – on the sixth hour of Friday and he was buried on the first hour of Saturday night [5] and he rose from the dead in the early morning of Sunday. Thus he remained in the earth upon this corrupt assumption one day and two nights
Upon what has proceed from the statement of Matthew that 'Isa said: “my body will be in the earth for three days and three nights after my death just as Yunus stayed in the belly of the whale”, Matthews' lying and his contradicting concerning his quoting has become manifest
And there is no doubt concerning the lying of these four people who wrote the gospels regarding this affair; because 'Isa – peace be upon him- did not inform (of it) from his own self, and neither did Allah inform about it in His Injeel that he will be killed and buried in one day and two nights, nor three days and nights rather it is as Allah the Most High informed about it in His Glorious Revelation upon His truthful noble messenger (may the peace and blessings of Allah beupon him and his family):1
مَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَكِن شُبِّهَ لَهُمْbut they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of 'Iesa (Jesus) was put over another man
And from them: that which Mark said [6]: “that our Lord the Christ, when he rose from the dead he spoke to his disciples and then he ascended to the sky from that day”. Luke opposed that [7] in his book which he named “ Stories Of The Disciples” for he mentioned within it that 'Isa -peace be upon him – ascended to the sky after rising from the dead by forty days. And this shall suffice you as a proof upon their lies concerning this from its origin, for by Allah is the One there is no god except He, 'Isa was not killed, neither was he buried, neither did he rise from the grave after forty days – and may the curse of Allah be upon the liars-1
Chapter 2 to follow soon inshAllah
1In some Bibles (yes thats right, they have more than one) Paul is named as Saul
2Acts Of the Apostles – Conversion of Paul [or Saul] Chapter/Act 9 "Saul, Saul, Why persecutest thou me? And he said, who art thou, lord? And he said I am Jesus....." until the end of the speech, bearing in mind that which the author narrated after this, and he was one who memorised from the bible in his pre-Islamic days, is not present in the english translations! And those english translations were translated from a translation that is in the Greek language which is the oldest version of the bible they have
3John mentioned it in his gospel, chapter 19 verses 26-27
4Matthew 12:40
5Islamicaly the night proceeds the day, so after the ending of 'Asr on Friday it then becomes Maghrib on Saturday then after sunrise the day will be Saturday.
7Acts of the Apostles
Part 2: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Taken from the Book:1
A Gift For The Cleverconcerning the refutation upon the people of the cross
By Abdullah At-Turjumaan
previously known as:1Anselm Turmeda
Chapter one:1
Regarding: The mention of the four (people) that wrote the four Gospels, and a clarification of their lies – may Allah curse them- 1
As for Matthew then he is the first from them: he did not encounter 'Isa-peace be upon him- and the first time he ever saw him was in the year that Allah raised him into His Heaven -Great is His Majesty.After 'Isa was raised -peace be upon him- Matthew wrote the gospel with his handwriting in the city of Alexandria, and within it he informed of the birth of 'Isa -peace be upon him- and that which manifested at the time of his birth from miracles. And he (also informed) with his (I.e. 'Isa) mothers departure with him to the land of Egypt, fearful from the king ''HEROD'' who desired his killing. And the reason for that;“That three from the Magi [adherents of Mazdaism] that were from the east were travelling to Jerusalem, and they said: where is this king that was born in these days? For we have seen his star rise in our land, and that is proof of his birth, thus we have come to him with a gift. When the king Herod heard about this he changed (i.e. became worried) and gathered the scholars of the Jews and asked them concerning this one that was born. So they said to him: verily, the prophets of Bani Israaeel – peace be upon them- informed us in their books: that the Christ – peace be upon him- his birth place will be in Jerusalem, in Bethlehem, in these days. Then he ordered them to go to Bethlehem and search for this one that was born and if they find him then they should inform him, and he mentioned to them that his intention was to meet with him and that he is going to worship him. The affair is not as he mentioned, rather it was from him a plot and deception, and he was determined upon killing him. So the three Magi departed to Bethlehem and they found Maryam and her son 'Isa on her lap and she was staying in a small dwelling, they gave her the gift and they prostrated to her son and they worshipped him. Then they saw that night an angel from the angels and he ordered them to hide the baby 'Isa -peace be upon him- and that they should return upon a different path than the one they came from. Then the angel drew near to Maryam and informed her of the plot of the king Herod and ordered her to flee with 'Isa -peace be upon him- to the land of Egypt, so she did what he ordered her with”[Matthew 2:1-14 – translated as it was narrated by AbdullahAl-Turjumaan]1
This is the speech of Matthew in his Gospel, and it is baseless, fabricated and falsehood. And a clarification of that: is that between Bethlehem and Jerusalem is five miles, for then if the king Herod was fearful from the one that was born, and searching for him,then he would have travelled himself with the three Magi or sent with them some from his trustees who advised him with searching for the one that was born, upon the most correct viewpoint. Then this is a proof of the fabrication of Matthew in this account
And also: Luke, Mark and John did not mention any of this in their Gospels. Matthew did not attend the birth, however he is conveying it from a liar, he fabricated it as he narrated it. As for Luke then he did not encounter 'Isa -peace be upon him- , and he became a Christian through Paul [1],the Israeeli, and Paul also did not encounter 'Isa, and neither did he see him, and he was from the greatest of enemies of the Christians, to the extent that wherever he found a Christian he would seize him, take him to Jerusalem and imprison him there
Luke related the aforementioned in his book which he named “Stories Of The Disciples” that this Paul would travel with a group of horsemen, and when he was with him (i.e. Luke accompanied Paul) and he (Paul) saw at a light that was like the rays of the sun, he heard a voice from the light that said to him: “why is it that you are prejudiced against me Oh Paul?” [2]then this narration is fabricated, and it is from the deception of Shaytaan
Paul said to him: “and who are you Oh my lord?” so he said: “I am Jesus Christ”. Paul then said to him: “and how is it that I have persecuted you when I have not seen you?” so then he said to him “if you harmed my Ummah then it is as if you have harmed me, so then lift your hand away from their harm for verily they are upon the truth, so follow them and succeed”. Paul then said to him: “Oh lord, what do you order me with?” so then he said: “travel to the city of Damascus and search therein for a man called Ananias, for he knows what you should do”. So he travelled to Damascus and asked regarding that man, then he found him and informed him with what he had heard from the speech of 'Isa, and he (Ananias) called him to enter into Christianity. He responded to that which he was called to and he (Ananias) magnified him after he made clear his faith in 'Isa- peace be upon him
So with that: Paul became Christian through Ananias and Luke became Christian through Paul – as we have mentioned- and he took the gospel from him. Both of them never encountered 'Isa, neither did they ever see him. Then this is insane and within it is a proof upon their fabrications and their falsehood
As for Mark then he – also- did not ever see 'Isa - peace be upon him-. His entry into Christianity was likewise after 'Isa was raised and he embraced Christianity through Peter the Disciple and he took from him the gospel in the city of Rome. This Mark, his three companions who wrote the gospels differed in many issues, as we will clarify in the sixth chapter – if Allah The Most High Wills
As for John then he is the son of 'Isa's maternal auntie - peace be upon him -, and the Christians allege that: 'Isa was present at John's marriage ceremony and that he turned water into wine during that ceremony, and that it was the first miracle that was manifested for 'Isa - peace be upon him -, as soon as John saw that he left his wife and followed 'Isa upon his religion and his journey
The Christians mention: that 'Isa - peace be upon him -, advised his mother Maryam with the son of his maternal aunt - the aforementioned John. And that was when the Jews were in his presence and he was certain of death – according to their assumption- and he ('Isa) said to him: “Oh John, Allah Allah, regarding my mother, for she is your mother” and he said to his mother “Allah Allah, regarding John for he is your son” and he advised her with him (i.e. going to him)1
John is the forth of those who wrote the four gospels – as we have mentioned- and nothing from this is mentioned at all (in the others).[3]1
John wrote his gospel in the Greek language in the city of Ephesus. These four are the ones who wrote the four gospels and corrupted them, changed them around and lied within them, for that what 'Isa came with was only one Injeel (Gospel), there is no bickering regarding that, no confusion and no differing. From these four bickering, confusion and differing has become manifest, as has lying upon Allah The Most High and upon His prophet 'Isa - peace be upon him - that what is well known and famous, and no Christian is able to deny that– as we will mention that which is sufficient if Allah wills
As for their lies: then from them: is that which Mark said in the first chapter of his gospel “Verily in the book of Isaiah the prophet (says) that Allah The Most High said: “I have sent to you a king in front of your face” and he intended by that 'Isa - peace be upon him
This speech is not found within the book of Isaiah, rather it is in the book of Malachi the prophet - peace be upon him - and this is from the most repulsive lies upon the prophets of Allah the Most High when it is attributed to one of them that which is not in his book
And from them: that which was narrated by Matthew in the twelfth chapter of the his gospel, that 'Isa - peace be upon him - said: “my body will be in the earth for three days and three nights after my death just as Yunus stayed in the belly of the whale”[4]1
This is from the most clear of lies and slanders that Matthew wrote in his gospel because his three companions agreed upon what comes in their gospels: that 'Isa died – upon their assumption – on the sixth hour of Friday and he was buried on the first hour of Saturday night [5] and he rose from the dead in the early morning of Sunday. Thus he remained in the earth upon this corrupt assumption one day and two nights
Upon what has proceed from the statement of Matthew that 'Isa said: “my body will be in the earth for three days and three nights after my death just as Yunus stayed in the belly of the whale”, Matthews' lying and his contradicting concerning his quoting has become manifest
And there is no doubt concerning the lying of these four people who wrote the gospels regarding this affair; because 'Isa – peace be upon him- did not inform (of it) from his own self, and neither did Allah inform about it in His Injeel that he will be killed and buried in one day and two nights, nor three days and nights rather it is as Allah the Most High informed about it in His Glorious Revelation upon His truthful noble messenger (may the peace and blessings of Allah beupon him and his family):1
مَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَكِن شُبِّهَ لَهُمْbut they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of 'Iesa (Jesus) was put over another man
2Acts Of the Apostles – Conversion of Paul [or Saul] Chapter/Act 9 "Saul, Saul, Why persecutest thou me? And he said, who art thou, lord? And he said I am Jesus....." until the end of the speech, bearing in mind that which the author narrated after this, and he was one who memorised from the bible in his pre-Islamic days, is not present in the english translations! And those english translations were translated from a translation that is in the Greek language which is the oldest version of the bible they have
3John mentioned it in his gospel, chapter 19 verses 26-27
4Matthew 12:40
5Islamicaly the night proceeds the day, so after the ending of 'Asr on Friday it then becomes Maghrib on Saturday then after sunrise the day will be Saturday.
7Acts of the Apostles
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