بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
My brothers
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
The Noble Shaikh A-Suhaimi, phoned personally yesterday the brave fighters at Wa-eelah, to check how they are, He encouraged them to be patient, and firm. He also advised them to be united. This is not surprising from the Shaikh, He did contact Shaikh Yahya personally too at the beginning of the siege.
May Allaah Almighty reward The Shaikh greatly.
It is very sad that we still see falsehood and lies surfacing the internet, in some of the salafi site, against The Noble Shaikh Yahya. I have brought you all the clarification from Our Father Shaikh Rab-ee, with his own voice, yet some of our brothers still not shown remorse or openly declared themselves freed from suchdespicable speeches.
This life is very short,when we meet Allaah Almighty what will be the answers of many of us front of Allaah Almighty.
I was looking for some files, this morning after fajr and I seen some of the statements and evidences that indicate how people changes for their benefits or when they are under pressure, very amazing !
I ask Allaah Almighty to keep our hearts firm upon His religion.
Letter from one of the field commander, thanking Shaikh Suhaimi for his good deeds towards his brothers at Wa-eelah
كلمة شكر ووفاء من أحد أمراء جبهة وائلة للشيخ صالح بن سعد السحيميبسم الله الرحمن الرحيمكلمة شكر ووفاءنشكر فضيلة الوالد الشيخ صالح بن سعد السحيمي على ما قام به من تفقد لأبنائه وإخوانه المجاهدين في جبهة كتاف بأرض وائلة عبر اتصال هاتفي أجراه اليوم، وحثهم على الصبر والثبات وجمع الكلمة فيما بينهم.شكر الله له ولجميع المشايخ والعلماء وفاعلي الخير المتعاونين مع إخوانهم في رد الباغي وكبت الظالم ونصرة الحق وأهله.
أخوكم الشيخ أبو حاتم عبد الله بن حسن الأشموريالأربعاء 24 صفر 1433 هـ
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
My brothers
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
The Noble Shaikh A-Suhaimi, phoned personally yesterday the brave fighters at Wa-eelah, to check how they are, He encouraged them to be patient, and firm. He also advised them to be united. This is not surprising from the Shaikh, He did contact Shaikh Yahya personally too at the beginning of the siege.
May Allaah Almighty reward The Shaikh greatly.
It is very sad that we still see falsehood and lies surfacing the internet, in some of the salafi site, against The Noble Shaikh Yahya. I have brought you all the clarification from Our Father Shaikh Rab-ee, with his own voice, yet some of our brothers still not shown remorse or openly declared themselves freed from suchdespicable speeches.
This life is very short,when we meet Allaah Almighty what will be the answers of many of us front of Allaah Almighty.
I was looking for some files, this morning after fajr and I seen some of the statements and evidences that indicate how people changes for their benefits or when they are under pressure, very amazing !
I ask Allaah Almighty to keep our hearts firm upon His religion.
Letter from one of the field commander, thanking Shaikh Suhaimi for his good deeds towards his brothers at Wa-eelah
كلمة شكر ووفاء من أحد أمراء جبهة وائلة للشيخ صالح بن سعد السحيمي
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
كلمة شكر ووفاء
نشكر فضيلة الوالد الشيخ صالح بن سعد السحيمي على ما قام به من تفقد لأبنائه وإخوانه المجاهدين في جبهة كتاف بأرض وائلة عبر اتصال هاتفي أجراه اليوم، وحثهم على الصبر والثبات وجمع الكلمة فيما بينهم.
شكر الله له ولجميع المشايخ والعلماء وفاعلي الخير المتعاونين مع إخوانهم في رد الباغي وكبت الظالم ونصرة الحق وأهله.
أخوكم الشيخ أبو حاتم عبد الله بن حسن الأشموري
الأربعاء 24 صفر 1433 هـ
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