The Ruling on Eating from The Utensils of The Kuffaar
Ash- Shaykh Albani, may Allah have mercy upon him, said:
"It is permissible to use the utensils of the kuffaar due to it being authenticated that the Prophet, alaihi as salaatu was salaam, performed wudu from a vessel of water which belongs to a polytheist woman. However if they are known for eating pork then it is not permissible to use it except if he does not find other than it with the condition that he washes it".
The Reference: Tawjeeh as Saaree ,page:15 ,print: Ibn Rajab.
Does one Eat with Three Fingers when eating Rice ?
Ash- Shaykh al Uthaymeen, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said:
"It is a must that a person eats with three fingers, the middle finger, the index finger, and the thumb, due to that indicating good manners when one is eating and it shows humbleness however this is regarding the foods that three fingers is sufficient for. As for if three fingers is not sufficient for, such as rice then it is okay to eat with more than three fingers.
The Reference: Sharhu Riyaadus Saaliheen,(2/595), print: al-Baseerah
Also as Shaykh Albani, may Allah have mercy upon him, holds the opinion that eating with a spoon in this scenario is closer to the Sunnah instead of eating with all fingers.
The Reference: as sisilah ad-da'eefah (3/348)
Eating with Spoons:
Ash- Shaykh Albani, may Allah have mercy upon him, said:
"It is strange that some feel uncomfortable to eat with a spoon believing it is opposing the Sunnah while it is (in reality) from the habits of (the people) and it is not an act of worship like riding a car and a plane and similar to that from the new means (of technology)".
The Reference: Tawjeeh as Saaree ,page: 200,print: Ibn Rajab.
Also ash- Shaykh Muqbil, may Allah have mercy upon him, has refuted those who have lied upon him that he has written a book in the impermissibility of eating with spoons, as found in many of his tapes, whereas the Shaykh clarified that it is permissible to eat with spoons.
Compiled by: Abu Fajr
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