Monday, 23 January 2012

Allaah Almighty deal with the transgressor, in this life before here-after‏

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

My brothers;

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته

Praise be to Allaah Almighty, for his favours He has bestowed upon us all, and selected some of us to be much better than others.
Our Noble Brother, Salafi student of knowledge Khalid Al-Gurbaani, joins the rest of our Noble fighters at Wa-eela, with his son who has already participated once before, and now he enters the front-line with his right leg imputed.
Do people Not fear Allaah Almighty, for accusing such noble brother, of being all sort of bad thing, without any shred of evidences, do people not fear Allaah Almighty for continuing to spread in their site, and in their despicable private way, the lies about The Noble Shaikh, The Trustworthy Adviser Shaikh Yahya, Damaj and Aloloom.
May Allaah Almighty expose the schemers, who are worried about their fame and their position, not about telling the truth.
You and I do we not feel like being a hypocrite, seating in the UK, and our brave Salafi, brothers deffend our methodology by giving their lives for Allaah's Sake (this is what I believe and Allaah know best about the heart of the people).
Do people not fear Allaah Almighty when they label innocent followers of the Sunnah, whom their aim is to preach and practise Sunnah, do they not fear Allaah Almighty when they labell them 'hadadi'
When in fact, those people labelled and I were exposing this sect of hadadiyah, before many of you even become Muslim let alone Salafi.
We will all stand front of Allaah Almighty, and our deeds shall be all revealed and exposed.
O! Allaah I ask you with your Beautiful name, not to make me from the people who make injustice to others, and to make me sincere and honest even if the truth goes against me.
Link about Khalid's news, note that he did not expose himself, it was the tribe Wa-eela who stated so, then Khalid commented
I ask Allaah Almighty to make all our Salafi, and the honourable tribes who are fighting the heretics of Yemen (houthis), to make them all sincere and accept their good deeds and guide all the tribes of Yemen to be upon Sunnah

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