Monday, 23 January 2012

Clarification Of The Corrupt Fundamental Principles Of Christianity 1 of 5‏‏

Series of refutations against the enemies of Islaam, The Christians
Part 4: The Corrupt Fundamental principles of the Christians
Taken from the Book:1

A Gift For The Clever
concerning the refutation upon the people of the cross

By Abdullah At-Turjumaan
previously known as:1
Anselm Turmeda
Chapter three:1

Regarding:Clarification Of The Corrupt Fundamental Principles Of Christianity

Nobody detests them except a few, and upon them gathers their huge masses, and we shall clarify the refutation upon them with the texts from their gospels concerning every principle from their fundamentals
Know– may Allah have mercy upon you- that the fundamental principles of Christianity are five, and they are:1

q2-Belief in the Trinity
q3-Belief in the forming of the sons' flesh within the womb of Maryam
q4-Belief in the holy communion (Eucharist) and how it is desirable
q5-The confession of all sins to the priest

The First Principle

Regarding: Baptism and its description

Know- may Allah have mercy upon you-: that Mark said in his gospel “Verily 'Isa – peace be upon him- said: He who becomes baptised enters paradise and he who does not become baptised enters the hell-fire, and he will dwell within for eternity”[1]1

On account of this text, they Christians believe that it is not possible to enter paradise except by way of baptism
Then it is said to them: What do you say in regards to Ibraheim, Musa, Ishaaq, Ya'qoob and all the rest of the prophets – may peace be upon them-, are they in paradise or not? It is imperative that they reply: that they are in paradise, so then it is said to them: how did they enter it and they were not baptised? Then they will answer that their circumcision sufficed them from being baptised. So then it is said to them: What do you say concerning Adam and Nuh – peace be upon them – and the children from their loins, for they were never circumcised and neither were baptised, (however) they are in paradise by texts of the gospels and consensus of your scholars? And they will not ever have an answer for that!1

Know: That this principle regarding baptism: is from that which they fabricated by lying in their gospels, fabricating upon Allah and His messenger

Description of Baptism:1

Within every church is a marble basin and a small tankard that the priest fills with water, then he reads upon it that which he is able to from the gospel, then the places a lot of salt into it and some balm oil. Then, if somebody comes and requests a baptism from those who have embraced Christianity, if he is an old man, some of the Christian people gather with the priest in order to bare witness – upon their assumption- in front of Allah to the baptism

The priest says to him at the basin of water that's mention has preceded “Oh so-and-so know: that becoming Christian is that you believe that Allah is the third of three, and that you believe that it is not possible to enter into paradise except by way of baptism, and that our lord is 'Isa the son of Allah, and that he was formed in the womb of Maryam and became a man and a god. He is a god from the essential nature of his father and a man from the essential essence of his mother, and that he was crucified, died and then came to life, became living after three days from his burial, then he ascended into the heaven and sat on the right side of his father, and on the day of recompense he will be the one who judges between the creation. And it is also that you believed in everything that the adherents of the church believe, so then have you believed in all of this?” then the one who is embracing Christianity will say: yes. At that moment the priest will take a tankard of this water from the basin then pour it over him saying: “I baptise you in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit” then he will wipe the water from him with a tissue and leave, and he had entered into Christianity

As for the baptism of the Christian children:1

Then it is during the eight hday after their birth, their fathers will bring them to the church and place the baby before the priest. The priest will then address him with the same speech that has just preceded, and he will affirm their beliefs over the baby and its parents will answer with their speech. They will then take their child and it had entered into Christianity. This is the description of baptism

Know: that this water that the priest places in the church basin, it remains generally for very long periods of time, it does not have a bad smell and neither does it change. This the general folk from the Christians find this amazing, and they believe it is from the blessings of the priest and the blessings of the church. They do not realise it is from the large quantity of salt and balm oil that has been placed within, as that prevents the water from becoming spoiled (with moss and mould). The priest does not place salt and balm oil except at night or a time in which nobody from the general folk will ever see him

This is from the tricks of the priests regarding their misguidance and misguiding. In my pre-Islamic days I was from this religion and I used to do that, and I used to baptise a lot of Christians often. All praise is for Allah, He who guided me to the truth, and removed me from the darkness into the light

next principle to come soon inshAllah, which shall be the second principle from their fundamentals, belief in the trinity


1Mark 16:16

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