Monday, 23 January 2012

Revive a Sunnah: The Answer to, “Who created Allaah?

Revive a Sunnah: The Answer to, “Who created Allaah?

Shaikh al-Albaani mentioned in Silsilah, "From Aishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “Indeed the devil comes to you and says, ‘Who created you?’ He says, ‘Allaah.’ He says, ‘So who created Allaah?’ So when one of you finds that [i.e., such whisperings], let him read, ‘I believe in Allaah and His Messengers,’ for verily that will leave him.” [Silsilah 116 Hasan]

From Abu Hurairah, may Allaah be pleased with him, who said, “The Prophet of Allaah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “The devil comes to one of you and says, ‘Who created such and such? Who created such and such? Who created such and such?’ Until he says, ‘Who created your Lord?’ When he reaches that [level], then let one seek refuge with Allaah and refrain from such thoughts.” [Bukhaari and Muslim, Silsilah no. 117]

“The people are about to question each other, such that one of them will say, ‘(This saying of yours that) Allaah created the creation (is well-known), so who created Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic?’ When they say that, then say, ‘Allaah is One. Allaah is the Self-Sufficient Master. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none co-equal or comparable to Him.’ Then let him spit [dry-spit] to his left three times and seek refuge from the Devil.” [Silsilah 118 Hasan] [Trans. note: the additions in parentheses () were taken from Awn al-Ma’bood.]

Shaikh al-Albaani said, “These authentic hadiths show that it is incumbent upon the one to whom the Devil has whispered by saying, ‘Who created Allaah?’ to turn away from arguing with him and instead answer him with what has been reported in the aforementioned hadiths.
And the summary is that he should say:

آمَنْتُ بِاللهِ وَرُسُلِهِ
اللهُ أَحَدٌ اللهُ الصَّمَدُ
لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ
وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ

Āmantu billāhi wa rusulihi.
Allāhu Aḥad. Allāhus-Ṣamad.
Lam yalid, wa lam yūlad.
Wa lam yakullahū kufuwan aḥad.
‘I believe in Allaah and His Messengers.
Allaah is One. Allaah is the Self-Sufficient Master.
He begets not, nor was He begotten.
And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him.’
Then spit to his left three times and then seek refuge with Allaah from the Devil and finally refrain from drifting away with the whisperings.

And I believe that whoever does that, out of obedience to Allaah and His Messenger, being sincere in that, then the whisperings will certainly leave him. And his devil will be vanquished, due to his saying صلى الله عليهوسلم, “… for verily that will leave him.”

And this noble, prophetic instruction is more beneficial and more final in terminating the whisperings than logical argumentation in this issue. For indeed argumentation rarely benefits in issues such as it.

And what a pity it is that most people are ignorant of this precious, prophetic instruction!

So take heed, O Muslims!

And become acquainted with the Sunnah of your Prophet, and act upon it–for verily, in it is your cure and your honour.”

Translated by Ahmed Abu Turaab


The Ruling on Eating from The Utensils of The Kuffaar

The Ruling on Eating from The Utensils of The Kuffaar

Ash- Shaykh Albani, may Allah have mercy upon him, said:

"It is permissible to use the utensils of the kuffaar due to it being authenticated that the Prophet, alaihi as salaatu was salaam, performed wudu from a vessel of water which belongs to a polytheist woman. However if they are known for eating pork then it is not permissible to use it except if he does not find other than it with the condition that he washes it".

The Reference: Tawjeeh as Saaree ,page:15 ,print: Ibn Rajab.

Does one Eat with Three Fingers when eating Rice ?

Ash- Shaykh al Uthaymeen, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said:

"It is a must that a person eats with three fingers, the middle finger, the index finger, and the thumb, due to that indicating good manners when one is eating and it shows humbleness however this is regarding the foods that three fingers is sufficient for. As for if three fingers is not sufficient for, such as rice then it is okay to eat with more than three fingers.

The Reference: Sharhu Riyaadus Saaliheen,(2/595), print: al-Baseerah

Also as Shaykh Albani, may Allah have mercy upon him, holds the opinion that eating with a spoon in this scenario is closer to the Sunnah instead of eating with all fingers.

The Reference: as sisilah ad-da'eefah (3/348)

Eating with Spoons:

Ash- Shaykh Albani, may Allah have mercy upon him, said:

"It is strange that some feel uncomfortable to eat with a spoon believing it is opposing the Sunnah while it is (in reality) from the habits of (the people) and it is not an act of worship like riding a car and a plane and similar to that from the new means (of technology)". 

The Reference: Tawjeeh as Saaree ,page: 200,print: Ibn Rajab.

Also ash- Shaykh Muqbil, may Allah have mercy upon him, has refuted those who have lied upon him that he has written a book in the impermissibility of eating with spoons, as found in many of his tapes, whereas the Shaykh clarified that it is permissible to eat with spoons.

Compiled by: Abu Fajr

Clarification Of The Corrupt Fundamental Principles Of Christianity 1 of 5‏‏

Series of refutations against the enemies of Islaam, The Christians
Part 4: The Corrupt Fundamental principles of the Christians
Taken from the Book:1

A Gift For The Clever
concerning the refutation upon the people of the cross

By Abdullah At-Turjumaan
previously known as:1
Anselm Turmeda
Chapter three:1

Regarding:Clarification Of The Corrupt Fundamental Principles Of Christianity

Nobody detests them except a few, and upon them gathers their huge masses, and we shall clarify the refutation upon them with the texts from their gospels concerning every principle from their fundamentals
Know– may Allah have mercy upon you- that the fundamental principles of Christianity are five, and they are:1

q2-Belief in the Trinity
q3-Belief in the forming of the sons' flesh within the womb of Maryam
q4-Belief in the holy communion (Eucharist) and how it is desirable
q5-The confession of all sins to the priest

The First Principle

Regarding: Baptism and its description

Know- may Allah have mercy upon you-: that Mark said in his gospel “Verily 'Isa – peace be upon him- said: He who becomes baptised enters paradise and he who does not become baptised enters the hell-fire, and he will dwell within for eternity”[1]1

On account of this text, they Christians believe that it is not possible to enter paradise except by way of baptism
Then it is said to them: What do you say in regards to Ibraheim, Musa, Ishaaq, Ya'qoob and all the rest of the prophets – may peace be upon them-, are they in paradise or not? It is imperative that they reply: that they are in paradise, so then it is said to them: how did they enter it and they were not baptised? Then they will answer that their circumcision sufficed them from being baptised. So then it is said to them: What do you say concerning Adam and Nuh – peace be upon them – and the children from their loins, for they were never circumcised and neither were baptised, (however) they are in paradise by texts of the gospels and consensus of your scholars? And they will not ever have an answer for that!1

Know: That this principle regarding baptism: is from that which they fabricated by lying in their gospels, fabricating upon Allah and His messenger

Description of Baptism:1

Within every church is a marble basin and a small tankard that the priest fills with water, then he reads upon it that which he is able to from the gospel, then the places a lot of salt into it and some balm oil. Then, if somebody comes and requests a baptism from those who have embraced Christianity, if he is an old man, some of the Christian people gather with the priest in order to bare witness – upon their assumption- in front of Allah to the baptism

The priest says to him at the basin of water that's mention has preceded “Oh so-and-so know: that becoming Christian is that you believe that Allah is the third of three, and that you believe that it is not possible to enter into paradise except by way of baptism, and that our lord is 'Isa the son of Allah, and that he was formed in the womb of Maryam and became a man and a god. He is a god from the essential nature of his father and a man from the essential essence of his mother, and that he was crucified, died and then came to life, became living after three days from his burial, then he ascended into the heaven and sat on the right side of his father, and on the day of recompense he will be the one who judges between the creation. And it is also that you believed in everything that the adherents of the church believe, so then have you believed in all of this?” then the one who is embracing Christianity will say: yes. At that moment the priest will take a tankard of this water from the basin then pour it over him saying: “I baptise you in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit” then he will wipe the water from him with a tissue and leave, and he had entered into Christianity

As for the baptism of the Christian children:1

Then it is during the eight hday after their birth, their fathers will bring them to the church and place the baby before the priest. The priest will then address him with the same speech that has just preceded, and he will affirm their beliefs over the baby and its parents will answer with their speech. They will then take their child and it had entered into Christianity. This is the description of baptism

Know: that this water that the priest places in the church basin, it remains generally for very long periods of time, it does not have a bad smell and neither does it change. This the general folk from the Christians find this amazing, and they believe it is from the blessings of the priest and the blessings of the church. They do not realise it is from the large quantity of salt and balm oil that has been placed within, as that prevents the water from becoming spoiled (with moss and mould). The priest does not place salt and balm oil except at night or a time in which nobody from the general folk will ever see him

This is from the tricks of the priests regarding their misguidance and misguiding. In my pre-Islamic days I was from this religion and I used to do that, and I used to baptise a lot of Christians often. All praise is for Allah, He who guided me to the truth, and removed me from the darkness into the light

next principle to come soon inshAllah, which shall be the second principle from their fundamentals, belief in the trinity


1Mark 16:16

The splitting of the Christians and the multitude of their Methodologies and their Sects‏

Series of refutations against the enemies of Islaam, The Christians
Part 3: Orthodox and Catholic

Taken from the Book:1

A Gift For The Clever
concerning the refutation upon the people of the cross

By Abdullah At-Turjumaan
previously known as:1
Anselm Turmeda
Chapter two:1

The splitting of the Christians and the multitude of their Methodologies and their Sects

Know– may Allah have mercy upon you -: that the Christians split into two sects.1
The first sect[1]:1
They believe that 'Isa is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor of all things who created the heavens and the earth. Then it is said to them: you have lied, disbelieved and opposed your gospels, for verily Matthew said in the twenty-sixth chapter of his gospel: verily 'Isa -peace be upon him – said to the disciples the night before the Jews took him “I have become overwhelmed by the sorrow of death”[2].Then his sadness intensified, he changed (i.e. in behaviour) and prostrated on his face crying and he begged Allah the Most High saying: “Oh my God, if it is possible that this cup be turned away from me, then turn it away from me. And it is not what I want rather it is what You want” [3]1
So then this is an acknowledgement from the Messiah that he is from the sons of Adam, incapable, fearing the descending of death upon him, and that he has a God, he called Him as 'my God', and he begged him. Then they (i.e. the four) added: that from his humanness, fear and sadness; he was from those who complain regarding the ability of Allah the Most High when he said “ if it is possible that this cup be turned away from me, then turn it away from me”, because this is the very essence of doubt regarding the ability of Allah the Most High, exalted be His mention
The Messiah was not without knowledge that Allah is capable of all things. So then what is the meaning of his statement “if it is possible” for if he knew that Allah was not capable of that, then what is the meaning of his question and begging Him? The soul from Allah[4] and His Messenger is far from having doubt in the ability of Allah the Most High, rather he was one that knew (with) the degrees of certainty that Allah is not incapable of anything. All of that which flowed from his hands from miracles, then it was by the ability of Allah the Most High and His Godly will, there is none worthy of worship except He
It is also said to this sect: you have opposed that which John mentioned in the seventeenth chapter from his gospel: “ that the Messiah looked to the sky and begged to Allah the Most High and said: Oh Lord, I thank you for the answering of my call and I acknowledge you for that. And I know that you answer the call in every time, however I ask you because of this group that is present, for verily they do not believe that you sent me” [5] 1

Then the Messiah acknowledged that he has a God, and he begged Him and he thanked Him for His Blessings and He answered his call. So then how can they say: verily 'Isa is the one who created the heavens and the earth? Can there be in the sane minds anything more atrocious than this?1
And from that which is in their books: is that which John said in the fifth chapter in his gospel: verily 'Isa said to the Jews “he who listens to my speech and then believes in He who sent me, then he will enter paradise”[6]1
And within this chapter in his (i.e. Johns') gospel: “that the Jews said: Oh 'Isa who bares witness for you in what you say? So he said: the Lord is the One who sent me, He is the One who bares witness for me”[7]1
So then 'Isa is one who acknowledges that he is a prophet that was sent, and that he has a Lord who sent him, and that the one who acts upon what he hears from him and then believes in He who sent him, will enter paradise
And also from that which is in their books: is what Mark said in thef irst chapter of his gospel: “there was in Jerusalem one who was possessed, the Jinn was talking through his mouth, then 'Isa walked past him and the Jinn screamed at him. He (i.e. the Jinn) said: Oh 'Isa, what do you want with me? Is it that you want to remove me from this body in order for the people to know that you are a prophet, and that you are the soul from Allah and that Allah the Most High sent you? Then 'Isa ordered him to leave (the body) so it left and the man stood healthy and unhurt. So those that were present were astonished by this”[8]1
This is of the utmost clarity and proof that 'Isa was a man from mankind, and a messenger from the messengers – may the blessings of Allah be upon all of them
The second sect:[9]1
They believe that 'Isa is the son of Allah, and that he is a god and he is a man. For he is a god due to his father, and he is a man due to his mother, and the Jews killed his human form. As for his godly side –after his human body had entered the grave – it descended to hell-fire and removed from it Adam, Nuh (Noah) and Ibraheim (Abraham) and all of the prophets, they were in there due to the sins of their father Adam concerning the eating from the tree, and that all of these prophets ascended to the heaven in the company of the godly side after the coming together of his divinity and his humanity
And this belief is of the utmost disbelief, stupidity and in-correctness concerning their religion. We seek the refuge of Allah from what He tested them with, and we say to them: you have lied upon Allah and upon His Messenger 'Isa. And the proof for that: is that which is within their books
From that: is what Mark said in the twelfth chapter of his gospel: “verily 'Isa -peace be upon him – said to the disciples: Know and believe that your father, the Divine, the One in the heaven – and he intended by that: Allah the Most High – He is One alone, He begets not and neither was He begotten”[10]1
So then which testimony against their lies is more clear than this which is in their gospel, the testimony of 'Isa -peace be upon him
The remainder of the Christian sects, their beliefs are all disbelief and lies and they judge with slander, I have abandoned their mention with the intention of abridgement and conciseness
Andwith Allah lies success

Part 3 coming soon inshAllah
1The author is talking about the Orthodox Sect

2Matthew 26:38

3Matthew 26:39

4The islamic scholars have explained the phrase "Ruh-ul-lah" as meaning the soul from Allah and not Allahs' soul

5John 17:1-4, the text that Abdullah At-Turjumaan mentioned is barely recognisable in the english translations, and to Allah we complain

6John 5:24

7John 5:36

8Mark 1:21-28

9The second sect: that the author is mentioning are the Catholics

10Mark 12

Exposing Matthew, Mark, Luke and John‏

Series of refutations against the enemies of Islaam, The Christians
Part 2: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

Taken from the Book:1

A Gift For The Clever
concerning the refutation upon the people of the cross

By Abdullah At-Turjumaan
previously known as:1
Anselm Turmeda
Chapter one:1

Regarding: The mention of the four (people) that wrote the four Gospels, and a clarification of their lies – may Allah curse them- 1

Know-may Allah have mercy upon you-: Those that wrote the gospels are four, and they are; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They are the ones that corrupted the religion of 'Isa, they added and they subtracted and they changed the speech of Allah The Most High, just like what Allah, glorified be He informed about in His holy book. And they are not from the Disciples that Allah praised in the Qur'an

As for Matthew then he is the first from them: he did not encounter 'Isa-peace be upon him- and the first time he ever saw him was in the year that Allah raised him into His Heaven -Great is His Majesty.After 'Isa was raised -peace be upon him- Matthew wrote the gospel with his handwriting in the city of Alexandria, and within it he informed of the birth of 'Isa -peace be upon him- and that which manifested at the time of his birth from miracles. And he (also informed) with his (I.e. 'Isa) mothers departure with him to the land of Egypt, fearful from the king ''HEROD'' who desired his killing. And the reason for that;That three from the Magi [adherents of Mazdaism] that were from the east were travelling to Jerusalem, and they said: where is this king that was born in these days? For we have seen his star rise in our land, and that is proof of his birth, thus we have come to him with a gift. When the king Herod heard about this he changed (i.e. became worried) and gathered the scholars of the Jews and asked them concerning this one that was born. So they said to him: verily, the prophets of Bani Israaeel – peace be upon them- informed us in their books: that the Christ – peace be upon him- his birth place will be in Jerusalem, in Bethlehem, in these days. Then he ordered them to go to Bethlehem and search for this one that was born and if they find him then they should inform him, and he mentioned to them that his intention was to meet with him and that he is going to worship him. The affair is not as he mentioned, rather it was from him a plot and deception, and he was determined upon killing him. So the three Magi departed to Bethlehem and they found Maryam and her son 'Isa on her lap and she was staying in a small dwelling, they gave her the gift and they prostrated to her son and they worshipped him. Then they saw that night an angel from the angels and he ordered them to hide the baby 'Isa -peace be upon him- and that they should return upon a different path than the one they came from. Then the angel drew near to Maryam and informed her of the plot of the king Herod and ordered her to flee with 'Isa -peace be upon him- to the land of Egypt, so she did what he ordered her with[Matthew 2:1-14 – translated as it was narrated by AbdullahAl-Turjumaan]1

This is the speech of Matthew in his Gospel, and it is baseless, fabricated and falsehood. And a clarification of that: is that between Bethlehem and Jerusalem is five miles, for then if the king Herod was fearful from the one that was born, and searching for him,then he would have travelled himself with the three Magi or sent with them some from his trustees who advised him with searching for the one that was born, upon the most correct viewpoint. Then this is a proof of the fabrication of Matthew in this account

And also: Luke, Mark and John did not mention any of this in their Gospels. Matthew did not attend the birth, however he is conveying it from a liar, he fabricated it as he narrated it. As for Luke then he did not encounter 'Isa -peace be upon him- , and he became a Christian through Paul [1],the Israeeli, and Paul also did not encounter 'Isa, and neither did he see him, and he was from the greatest of enemies of the Christians, to the extent that wherever he found a Christian he would seize him, take him to Jerusalem and imprison him there

Luke related the aforementioned in his book which he named “Stories Of The Disciples” that this Paul would travel with a group of horsemen, and when he was with him (i.e. Luke accompanied Paul) and he (Paul) saw at a light that was like the rays of the sun, he heard a voice from the light that said to him: “why is it that you are prejudiced against me Oh Paul?” [2]then this narration is fabricated, and it is from the deception of Shaytaan

Paul said to him: “and who are you Oh my lord?” so he said: “I am Jesus Christ”. Paul then said to him: “and how is it that I have persecuted you when I have not seen you?” so then he said to him “if you harmed my Ummah then it is as if you have harmed me, so then lift your hand away from their harm for verily they are upon the truth, so follow them and succeed”. Paul then said to him: “Oh lord, what do you order me with?” so then he said: “travel to the city of Damascus and search therein for a man called Ananias, for he knows what you should do”. So he travelled to Damascus and asked regarding that man, then he found him and informed him with what he had heard from the speech of 'Isa, and he (Ananias) called him to enter into Christianity. He responded to that which he was called to and he (Ananias) magnified him after he made clear his faith in 'Isa- peace be upon him 

So with that: Paul became Christian through Ananias and Luke became Christian through Paul – as we have mentioned- and he took the gospel from him. Both of them never encountered 'Isa, neither did they ever see him. Then this is insane and within it is a proof upon their fabrications and their falsehood

As for Mark then he – also- did not ever see 'Isa - peace be upon him-. His entry into Christianity was likewise after 'Isa was raised and he embraced Christianity through Peter the Disciple and he took from him the gospel in the city of Rome. This Mark, his three companions who wrote the gospels differed in many issues, as we will clarify in the sixth chapter – if Allah The Most High Wills

As for John then he is the son of 'Isa's maternal auntie - peace be upon him -, and the Christians allege that: 'Isa was present at John's marriage ceremony and that he turned water into wine during that ceremony, and that it was the first miracle that was manifested for 'Isa - peace be upon him -, as soon as John saw that he left his wife and followed 'Isa upon his religion and his journey

The Christians mention: that 'Isa - peace be upon him -, advised his mother Maryam with the son of his maternal aunt - the aforementioned John. And that was when the Jews were in his presence and he was certain of death – according to their assumption- and he ('Isa) said to him: “Oh John, Allah Allah, regarding my mother, for she is your mother” and he said to his mother “Allah Allah, regarding John for he is your son” and he advised her with him (i.e. going to him)1

John is the forth of those who wrote the four gospels – as we have mentioned- and nothing from this is mentioned at all (in the others).[3]1

John wrote his gospel in the Greek language in the city of Ephesus. These four are the ones who wrote the four gospels and corrupted them, changed them around and lied within them, for that what 'Isa came with was only one Injeel (Gospel), there is no bickering regarding that, no confusion and no differing. From these four bickering, confusion and differing has become manifest, as has lying upon Allah The Most High and upon His prophet 'Isa - peace be upon him - that what is well known and famous, and no Christian is able to deny that– as we will mention that which is sufficient if Allah wills

As for their lies: then from them: is that which Mark said in the first chapter of his gospel “Verily in the book of Isaiah the prophet (says) that Allah The Most High said: “I have sent to you a king in front of your face” and he intended by that 'Isa - peace be upon him

This speech is not found within the book of Isaiah, rather it is in the book of Malachi the prophet - peace be upon him - and this is from the most repulsive lies upon the prophets of Allah the Most High when it is attributed to one of them that which is not in his book

And from them: that which was narrated by Matthew in the twelfth chapter of the his gospel, that 'Isa - peace be upon him - said: “my body will be in the earth for three days and three nights after my death just as Yunus stayed in the belly of the whale”[4]1

This is from the most clear of lies and slanders that Matthew wrote in his gospel because his three companions agreed upon what comes in their gospels: that 'Isa died – upon their assumption – on the sixth hour of Friday and he was buried on the first hour of Saturday night [5and he rose from the dead in the early morning of Sunday. Thus he remained in the earth upon this corrupt assumption one day and two nights

Upon what has proceed from the statement of Matthew that 'Isa said: “my body will be in the earth for three days and three nights after my death just as Yunus stayed in the belly of the whale”, Matthews' lying and his contradicting concerning his quoting has become manifest

And there is no doubt concerning the lying of these four people who wrote the gospels regarding this affair; because 'Isa – peace be upon him- did not inform (of it) from his own self, and neither did Allah inform about it in His Injeel that he will be killed and buried in one day and two nights, nor three days and nights rather it is as Allah the Most High informed about it in His Glorious Revelation upon His truthful noble messenger (may the peace and blessings of Allah beupon him and his family):1

مَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَكِن شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ
but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of 'Iesa (Jesus) was put over another man 

And from them: that which Mark said [6]: “that our Lord the Christ, when he rose from the dead he spoke to his disciples and then he ascended to the sky from that day”. Luke opposed that [7in his book which he named “ Stories Of The Disciples” for he mentioned within it that 'Isa -peace be upon him – ascended to the sky after rising from the dead by forty days. And this shall suffice you as a proof upon their lies concerning this from its origin, for by Allah is the One there is no god except He, 'Isa was not killed, neither was he buried, neither did he rise from the grave after forty days – and may the curse of Allah be upon the liars-1

Chapter 2 to follow soon inshAllah

1In some Bibles (yes thats right, they have more than one) Paul is named as Saul

2Acts Of the Apostles – Conversion of Paul [or Saul] Chapter/Act 9 "Saul, Saul, Why persecutest thou me? And he said, who art thou, lord? And he said I am Jesus....." until the end of the speech, bearing in mind that which the author narrated after this, and he was one who memorised from the bible in his pre-Islamic days, is not present in the english translations! And those english translations were translated from a translation that is in the Greek language which is the oldest version of the bible they have

3John mentioned it in his gospel, chapter 19 verses 26-27

4Matthew 12:40

5Islamicaly the night proceeds the day, so after the ending of 'Asr on Friday it then becomes Maghrib on Saturday then after sunrise the day will be Saturday.


7Acts of the Apostles

Transcript and the audio of the talk of Shaikh Yahya in the house of Our Father Shaikh Rabee

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

My brothers;

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته

As promised, please find the transcript and the audio of the talk of Shaikh Yahya in the house of Our Father Shaikh Rab-ee via tele-link. Shaikh Yahya etiquettes with The Shaikh, by saying that he would not have spoken from The Shaikh if that was not the wish of Shaikh Rab-ee

The Noble Shaikh Our Father Shaikh Suhaimi visited the injured, and says that the jihad in Yemen is compulsary for the sunni of Yemen‏

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

My brothers;

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته

The Noble Shaikh Suhaimi, visited the injured in Najran hospital, where the Land and State of Tawheed has welcomed them.
The Shaikh, endorsed all what The Salafi did and do; Fighting the heretics houthis, The Sulh that Shaikh Yahya and The Good Tribe of Damaj & Sada-a made with rafidah, yet the houthis broke the promise.
The Shaikh encourages to aid the fighters and support them.
The Shaikh too, promised to speak to some Ahlu-Sunnah who are not in line with the fatawa of Ahlu-Ilm in the matter of Jihad, so that the differences end, the word of the Sunni is united. The Shaikh stated too that we should not wage war against those who have erred in this issue i.e. issue of Jihad
The Jihad for the people outside Yemen, to participate in Wa-eelah must have the permission of The Muslim Ruler, and the permission of The Parents
The Shaikh ended with important remark that, his statement must be circulated without any comment from anyone.
The link from Aloloom
I wished some of our brothers follow the Shaikh, in doing his best to reconcile instead of enforcing the causes of division.
The Noble Shaikh Al-Ghudain, teaches a convert to Islam, and She utters The Sha-adah, and He proposes to her THREE names to take, Fatima, Aisha or Mariyam, slap in the face for the rafidah who accuses the Wahabi! to hate The Family of The Prophet (peace be upon him, and his family, and May Allaah be pleased with the all Companions)
من نوادر الشيخ الغديان: الشيخ يلقن إحداهن الشهادتين ويختار لها اسم فاطمة (صوتي

the link taking from Aloloom, with translation in English by the people present with The Shaikh(May Allaah Bestow his mercy upon him)